Reinvigorating tips?


Well-Known Member
I’ve got a couple plants I’m re-vegging. They’re putting out new, normal growth now, but nothing I can easily take a cut of. All the new growth seems to harden off.

I moved these plants into larger containers with fresh soil. Out of necessity I had to move them into the veg tents under my veg lights (hlg100). They were flowered under a 350r.

I’ve read the reduction in light intensity in re-vegging can slow new growth. Would putting these back under the 350r help? Should I re-flower them to try to get some stretchy growth?

They’ve been re-vegging for about 2 months now. They look fine and healthy, just can’t get a cut…
Keep going. You’ll be overrun soon by scrawny shoots by the handful. They root easily enough. If they’ve started producing normal foliage then run light like normal for vegging.
It's usually right after I get frustrated with them, that they start to shoot like hotrod is saying. I always gave mine a little ewc or tea and that always seemed to help them get going. Something about adding alfalfa in there too...
I always did mine under t5s....