Rejuvenate Carbon Filter


Well-Known Member
Your carbon filter becoming less effective?
I do this every 2 grows, and have been using the same filter for over 5 years.
I can't tell a difference in efficiency from the day it was new.

Drill out rivets on fan end of filter.
Remove foam ring and save.
Fold outer netting down and the outside of filter. Duct tape in place.
Fold inner netting down over inner pipe and tape in place.
Dump activated charcoal into a trash can (dusty).
Place charcoal into baking sheets, bake at 500 for 2hrs. My filter is quite large and takes 3 cookies sheets loaded 3 times to complete. Allow to cool, scoop back into filter. Tap on sides once it is back to 2/3 full. Add remaining and tap as needed to settle.
Untape inner netting and stretch to outside, outer to inside. Replace foam pad. Place filter end paying attention to line up holes. Replace rivets or use machine screws.
Takes me about 1hr actual work, but due to baking time the whole process is about 8 hours. Saved $315.20190806_193406.jpg 20190806_192358.jpg 20190806_193955.jpg 20190806_194518.jpg


Well-Known Member
they can last 3 times longer if you avoid running in wet weather

its the humidity that seems to crap them out

a buddy washes his out in petrol and allows to dry out

I gave this shit up years ago