Relocating/re-vamping cloning. Questions.


Well-Known Member
Been putting cuttings in water cups over a year now, (I know, stone age, and shitty % fail rate). Thinking about grabbing one of these type deals

So I can clone harder to clone strains, and have better % success/fail, Especially since I will be getting some solid strains soon, what do you guys think of a bucket deal like this. (Note, I am changing a crap load of shit after harvest come may, So constructing one myself in lue of XXX amount of work that will already be on my plate, is not worth it for the extra headache.)

Also, lighting for just this get-up, I been thinking like 100watt's of CFL's would be peachy (maybe not even that much, maybe more like 50w?) ? This will be kept completely separate from the normal veg area, and the flower area. In cooler temps mind you. I say the lighting I do, simply because I have everything I need for Y adapters, bulbs, wires, tape, chords, etc and I could throw the bitch together in 5 mins.


Well-Known Member
Of course depends on number of plants, space, etc. But50-100w of cfl prob fine for clones.

I cut, dip in rooting gel, and put straight into MG seed starter with extra perlite added. I take a baggie, put a small slit in it, mist inside, and place over the top. I usually put down about 8 at a time and 7 survive. Cheap, simple, and effective for me.