Remove tiny dead and dying leaves from colas?


Hi - It's my 3rd plant. I'm getting better - got 5 ounces from the last one. Can only grow one at a time. They are closet grows with also about 30 hrs. per week of direct sun. She's about 10 days from harvest. I've been using tweezers to remove the dead and dying tiny leaves from the colas. Am I doing the right thing? Seems logical.



Well-Known Member
If you are at the point were you need to remove bud leaves because they are dying, you should probably just cut it down. The plant must be starving if those leaves are dying. They are the last resort for food. Most plants lose the larger fan leaves as they age, but the small leaves should still be green at harvest. Either feed it and let her grow for a while longer, or cut it down before the whole thing goes brown and crispy.

farm dawg

Sorry Schmarmpit no disrespect but I wouldn't harvest it until its ready. and there is nothing wrong with what he is doing. Just try not to damage the trichomes in the process. I would probably use trimming scissors insted or just leave them unless there causing my buds to mold.


Thanks - It's not like all the leaves are dying. The colas are still way fat. I just did a trich check and I'm still barely milky. Both of you basically said let her go a while.