Removing scrog during early flower stage?


OK so I have a ghetto ass rigged scrog I made and I kinda jumped the gun with it and just decided to go the cheap route with rope and I do a whole mess of shit wrong I know I didn't fill my net or let them veg longer to fill the screen and whatnot so please keep the rude comments about what I've done wrong because I know I did a lot of stuff the wrong way now that I did a bit more in depth research. Anyways my question is can I just snip this rope and take my plants off the scrog and not affect my yeild? They been in flower for about a week now all they are showing is tiny pre flowers but no signs of pistols yet would it be safe to take them off of this and not hurt them too much. I just honestly don't think I'll be able to make this scrog work.



I think you're going in the right direction - just cutting the line with scissors & carefully removing it shouldn't hurt a thing.
From what you see I'm probably better without it huh? I'll take a picture of the whole tent so you can kinda realllllly see what I got going on And understand why I might have to abort that scrog mission for another grow


I think you're going in the right direction - just cutting the line with scissors & carefully removing it shouldn't hurt a thing.
OK so I Came Upon an issue with my hydro because I have an Autoflower in it and the scrog was getting in my way of changing the reservoir so I had to like cut rope and make a hole and just made a mess of shit and then I have a plant on the side that's not even in the scrog. I just picked the wrong time to do it was all I keep adding rope as needed with the vertical growth but I honestly just see all this getting too out of hand for me and I end up affecting my yeild worse if I just kept the screen there.



Well-Known Member
with scrog you want it in there from earlie and train the plant as it grows through the net keep tucking it back under allowing a branch to grow through each hole and keep tucking under until the net is 2/3 full then flower try to get a bud spot in each square space if u removed ur net i would recomend adding some kind of support