+rep need help


New Member
i just ordered some of fox farms tigerbloom off the internet, it is the only fert i got for flowering, and its all the money i got right now, so its all i can get.
i was reading on some dudes thread were another guy said u cant use tigerbloom by itself, that u have to mix it with other fertilizers. is this true??? can i not use tigerbloom on them?

+rep 4 help


Well-Known Member
If you are short on cash that nute mix alone will suffice. The more complete of a spectrum of NPK, vitamins, and micronutrients the better but that does not mean that using just one complex feed wont work. My first grow I bloomed using a single floranova product and bonemeal and had great results. I have sinse learned taht adding alternative forms or nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous along with varying types of the required micronutrients helps to develope harder and more frangrant bud but again a single complex nutrient additive works. Don't let anyone talk you into buying hundreds of dollars worth of nutes before you can afford them. I would recommend however supplimenting with a cheap bone meal, superthrive, and molasses as they tend to be quite affordable and do make a difference.


Active Member
Nope, not true. You switch to tigerbloom at first signs of flowering. But you are supposed to use Big Bloom throughout the whole groth cycle. Hope This Helps.


Well-Known Member
i think tiger bloom is a real hot fert. it will mess with your ph. thats why people say to mix it with other nutes to buffer it. Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
there are things in big that tiger doesnt have, that you SHOULD have for flower. The few extra bucks will be an investment.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
so it should still work if its all i got right???
im using 1 fert for flowering which can be used with other alike but it should be fine man, as long as its got a good P.K and youv been feeding nitrogen ??
We should be okay :-P


Well-Known Member
It will work NPK is 2-8-4 you may run into problems later in bloom
they make it 2 and 3 part on purpose to sell more product for more $$$

are you in FF soil (that would help)

I use Jack's ($5) and DynaGro ($12) has everything you need


Well-Known Member
first things first. Soil or hydro?
Hydro grow will surely show deficiency with just one bloom nute of two part bloom. Especially when lacking the big. It would be easier to get away with just using bigbloom, than tiger. Micro, macro nutes play a big part in hydro.


Hey man, I am growing soil and I am in my eighth week of flowering. I used green light Super Bloom, analysis is 12-55-6, with .010% chelated iron and some other micro nutrients. I used at a sensible amount, and I VERY happy with my first grow! I'm going to harvest the top of this baby on Sat after lights out! The other one has week, maybe two left. Check out Uncle Ben's grow guides, got me on my way and looking forward to grow #2!



Well-Known Member
As long as it has an N rating of around two or three it would be ok. One or less not be good for flowering. I got some one which I finish with and the plants start slowly wilting when I start using it which if all is well coincides with two weeks prior to harvest. It real evident there is enouh N in there to keep it somewhat alive but would not do to keep it lush and vibrant. I have been having good success with Botanicare CNS 17. Its a 3 part scheme of grow, bloom and ripe. It runs about 27 bucks a jug. Person could actually prob get along ok with just the blood version. Works that way on their organic stuff anyway. The bloom version veggies about as good as the grow formula. Good growing to ya. Do not fall for the Alsakan fish fertilizer. Its cheap but smells like catfish stink bait and works like Roundup on killer weed. Nearly killed them all when trying to use that junk. Grow room smelled like a bait shop etc.
