Well-Known Member
Hey, I've been doing a lot of reading on compost tea. I was having trouble finding answers to 6 questions in particular so here it goes: Can I use just worm casting to inoculate the tea? If yes, then can I add bone meal, blood meal AND fish emulsion in the same 5 gallon container? If no, easiest way to introduce all the right organisms? I've spent over my budget so far, so I'm limited in what I can do. I've started a compost bin but it's only a bout 10 days old so that's a no go right now. Can I inoculate with HAPPY FROG?. If I use castings can I somehow breed the organisms so I have them indefinitely? Can I keep using the same batch by taking out half or 3/4 at a time and replacing the rest of the mix with water, ferts, food? Thanks.