Rep+ Tips for organic/chemical compost tea.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I've been doing a lot of reading on compost tea. I was having trouble finding answers to 6 questions in particular so here it goes: Can I use just worm casting to inoculate the tea? If yes, then can I add bone meal, blood meal AND fish emulsion in the same 5 gallon container? If no, easiest way to introduce all the right organisms? I've spent over my budget so far, so I'm limited in what I can do. I've started a compost bin but it's only a bout 10 days old so that's a no go right now. Can I inoculate with HAPPY FROG?. If I use castings can I somehow breed the organisms so I have them indefinitely? Can I keep using the same batch by taking out half or 3/4 at a time and replacing the rest of the mix with water, ferts, food? Thanks. :peace:
I would recommend high quality castings and/or humus (or compost), blackstrap molasses and perhaps a little bit of fish hydrolysate or alfalfa meal and that is about it. I wouldn't use bone meal or blood meal at all. If anything I would add small amount of bat/seabird guano, since these are rich in microbes as well.
^^^Nullis is spot on. I am having great results with this tea on my 2nd round. It has even helped stabilize problema from my first round. No more nutes for me, only teas. You have to use a lot of air to keep your tea from going anerobic. I only brew 3gallons max because that's about my max amount I can aerate accoring to the airflow of my pump. I use about 3 gal of tap water, aerate for an hour or two, in order to let the chlorine evaporate, then use a bug headnet as my tea bag, about 6 cups HQ organic worm castings, 1 tablespoon alfalfa meal, 1 tablespoon unsulfered blackstrap mollases and brew for 24hours and use immediately. Its done wonders for my house plants too.