Repurposing the curing transition to bulk


New Member
ok folks here we have it, prepped the jars all myself, quite proud of that. ordered pre PC'd BRF cakes first time some years back to some success, and decided if I did it in the future Id go bulk and go through the full process on my own. so here we are. Popcorn in quart jars prepped by following just about any popcorn tek you can find, polyfil filter lids seemed the easiest route for knockin them up and FAE.

-equator: 4 jars all showing good colonization now(taking a little long with lower than optimal colonization temps)
-Acadian coast: 3 out of 4 jars starting to show mycelium growth
-Cambodian: 3 out of 5 show mycelium
-Golden teacher:0 out of 5
-albino A+:0 out of 5

The AC and EQ were inoculated about 7-10 days prior to the rest so far EQ AND CAMBO are the fastest colonizers. will keep it upated as things amount, will be eventually casing these into monotubs with a verm/coir substrate.


...maybe this will help


-PC: Pressure cook(er)
-BRF: brown rice and flour
-FAE: fresh air exchange
-AC, EQ, CAMBO: strain abbreviations(I'll let u fiqure which belongs to which)
The words seem to be English but the sentences don't make any sense....??
Is the Gorgon stat affiliated with the Monkey skull beef?
The words seem to be English but the sentences don't make any sense....??
Is the Gorgon stat affiliated with the Monkey skull beef?
what don't you understand, the abbreviations? anyone whose somewhat versed in growing mushrooms should have no problem understanding this. and forgive me for not using proper capitalization and punctuation. didn't realize we were being graded for grammar on our forum posts, professor
what don't you understand, the abbreviations? anyone whose somewhat versed in growing mushrooms should have no problem understanding this. and forgive me for not using proper capitalization and punctuation. didn't realize we were being graded for grammar on our forum posts, professor

Untwist your knickers, I'm not criticizing your grammar.
I simply don't understand anything you wrote.
Probably because I'm 'unversed' in growing mushrooms.
I can, however, read Huxley and understand his vocabulary.

Good luck for the future

Lone Wolf seems appropriate.
I'm the only respondent to your post....and I didn't even understand it!
sorry Im a bit of a tight ass sometimes I'll admit, but there are a number of people on here that point out others grammar/spelling mistakes just to be smart asses
In the 90's I spent 8 weeks in a minimum security prison where they grew their own mushrooms.
They served them with EVERY meal
Spaghetti Bolognese with Mushrooms, Chilli Con Carne with Mushrooms
Macaroni Cheese with mushrooms......
I never refound my appetite for them after that.

Psilocybin liberty caps grow all around my area in September/October.
I used quite a lot of the local mushrooms on the Thai islands.

But I've never grown them.
what don't you understand, the abbreviations? anyone whose somewhat versed in growing mushrooms should have no problem understanding this. and forgive me for not using proper capitalization and punctuation. didn't realize we were being graded for grammar on our forum posts, professor

Everyone can read your post. NoE is just carrying on as usual.
If you want to see the full potential of your grow, I advise you case. regardless, you will get mushrooms. Looks like you filled your jars too full to shake.
No there shakeable, although some are quite full. I was shooting for 3/4 full

Couldn't see in the pictures - if you see white, wait a day and shake. When you see white again, wait a day and shake. You should be fully collonized in ony a few days to a week.