Reserva Privada OG kush and OG#18 Questions


Hello all! I'm currently growing 5 RP OG kush and 5 RP OG#18 under 1000w hps. Humidity is at 45. Temp at 78. GH nutes. Im a little over 3 weeks flower and alot of trichs already appearing. I was wondering if anyone else is currently growing RP OGs.. and can tell me what theirs smells like at a little over 3 weeks. All of mine smell musty when i did a little finger rub on the leaves. thought id get a little hint of that lemon/fuel smell but smells musty. I live in cali so ive had alll kinds of ogs..


Well-Known Member
I am growing the exact same strain, and my friend grew it too. It has a very distinct odor, very pleasant. Mine is day on 45 of flower.

Just put up some pics tonight on my journal in my signature.


Well-Known Member
same here. running RP OG and Headband together... super nice buds and smells.. (i cant really smell weed anymore but its definitely stronger in the flowering room). buds are rock hard and frosted with triches


How's that headband smoke? Or first time growing it? And I hear you on not being able to smell ahaha.


Well-Known Member
Where can one purchase headband seeds please? And what breeder has the best Headband seeds?

Thanks so much for your help and direction :)


Well-Known Member
i got mine from the attitude. out of pack of 5 i had 1 good mother... the nugs are white pretty much man, and the high is like your brains been twisted by a corkscrew lol