Resinraider: Thanks first off. I hear you on the volume thing. I got that # from the greenguy video for the space Im using. Will do a "ghost" run first with out plants for a day or two and see were my exact #s need to be to run my DIY system i.e. lights on timers h20 loss due to evap little things like that, as I am very meticulous. Then I am doing an actual grow run with some seeds I have from last july, and dont care much for, but would still like a decent crop (NL/ with something). Then I will be ordering the real deals and hopefully with all my data from the ghost runs, that will help the CHEESE i want to grow. Also my trays are 2'Lx2'8"W and 8"H. 2 in the veg and 1 in the flower. Any advice, critisism, fowl mouthing, props, pos/neg feedback, & +reps are appreciated the more info/data I get the better the sweet sweet chiba!! THanks all! (Illegal smile & doctorD) Great info.