Resin coated Tobbacco


Well-Known Member
Just feel like sharing you you guys a tip i've been using for years. An I'm sure many, many of you know this:

When rolling a spliff with tobbacco, put only pure tobbacco towards the mouth end of the spliff. As the weed burns, it baths the tobbacco in the roach with resin. Than store some of those roaches and later use the resulting tobbacco to roll a hashbacco joint!



Well-Known Member
Or if you roll a regular joint than it is weed covered in resin.... Lol I would take resin covered weed over tobacco


Active Member
well I for one love tobacco and weed mixed, and I was actually just wondering about this topic earlier soo


Active Member
its hard to take

you smoke pot and tobacco totally differant.
and most people try and smoke it like a joint taking big hits and holding it a long time. which gives the nicotine way to much time to get into the bloodstreem.
instead, smoke it more like a cigerette, or cigar, drag's, puffs, dont hold a long time, keep in mind that tobacco for all intents and purposes is a filler
just something to stretch the weed a bit (like oatmeal in meatloaf) so you not really wastin much thc by not holding it forever.

u know whats really good though, dry up some bud, really dry so it powders, dry some tobacco the same way (5-15% depending on your tastes) crush them both in hand. really mash that shit and grind it together till its an indistinguishable powder. then add a few drops of water, and start rolling it up, add the water real slow and slowly form yourself a ball.

place in bigass chilum, top with burning ember, inhale till unconscious. <-----fire hazard. do not attempt alone/indoors :-)