reusing plant


I'm harvesting my plants and was wondering if after cutting most of the plant off, can i keep the roots and stem and stick it back into veg or is that stupid??


Well-Known Member
People do that all the time. It is called re-vegging. Plants are a lot slower second time around though, Yield will be less also.

Might want to look into cloning. Taking clones about a week before you flower will keep the genetics going and keep yields up.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you keep more then just the roots and stem. The plant needs apical bud for new growth, the more the faster it will reveg.


Well-Known Member
yes you can reveg but you must leave some leaves and "node shoots" locations. I doubt it will grow any slower or produce less yield, it will be much bushier and shorter though. The plant can survive infinitely in the wild, only frost kills it. And a clone is just a branch that has sprouted roots, so it should grow the same.