Reveg clones after 4 days of flowering


Hi there! This is my first indoor grow. Making my first experiences. Allready messed something up i guess.

I got 6 Blackwater clones a week ago. First 3 days they went under 18/6 veg cycle. Im using cob led 125w. Day 4 i decided to switch to 12/12 since i dont want the plants to become to big.

Today i became another 7 clones ( zkittlez).
They so small i would love to learn and use train methods on them and the blackwaters aswell. I really underrated the power of the cob led 125w. I think it has great potential even if this my first grow.

Now my question is, is it possible to reveg my Blackwaters after 4 days under 12/12 ? They just showed some white hairs but i think alot of power is in growth due to LST.
I have to decide quick. Day 5 under 12/12 will start in 3 hours.

Or should i clone the blackwaters to save genetic and be safe ??

I really want to reveg and maybe LST those 6 Blackwaters. Also it would be great for the new zkittlez to catch up.

This grow is not for yield it is for learning and testing things out. Im really thankful for any help or advice!

Thanks in advance !

Btw if you need better pictures which show current state of bloom i can do those in 3 hours. I really dont want interrupt light cycle.

Those 3 on the outter left and 4 on the outter right are the new Zkittlez clones. In the middle the 6 Blackwaters which are about to get day 5 of flowering.20211228_020605.jpg20211228_020551.jpg20211228_032445.jpg20211228_020551.jpg20211226_111712.jpg
Just go back to your 18/6 schedule and think nothing of it. Shouldn't stress them out too hard. If they herm.. well.. lesson learned. I think you're fine tho.

Edit: however.. if you're trying to learn.. I would let them veg, and practive training on a few.
Just go back to your 18/6 schedule and think nothing of it. Shouldn't stress them out too hard. If they herm.. well.. lesson learned. I think you're fine tho.

Edit: however.. if you're trying to learn.. I would let them veg, and practive training on a few.
Thanks for your fast reply. Do you think it would make sense to clone my blackwaters to avoid hermo or is it allready to late for clones ?

However i decided to turn the clock arround and just sent them back to 18/6. I think it is worth the risk.

Those are only preflowers. You can still clone.. but do it asap, or wait til they start vegging again.
Well i dont want to stress them too much. Also i dont have proper gear for making own clones at this very moment. Better wait a couple of weeks to cut clones. Then i will also see how much space there will be left. It was more about avoid hermo and make experiences with cloning.

Thank you very much !!
Well i dont want to stress them too much. Also i dont have proper gear for making own clones at this very moment. Better wait a couple of weeks to cut clones. Then i will also see how much space there will be left. It was more about avoid hermo and make experiences with cloning.

Thank you very much !!
Cut a a branch put it in a glass of water in a low light area
2 weeks later clone
Cut a a branch put it in a glass of water in a low light area
2 weeks later clone
I've done it.. and even noticed them drinking the water.
I also sat them in plugs, and had them sitting in a hydroponic unit with a broken pump.. so the water just sat there, and the roots just kept coming. Never gave it any food, or supplements. Just sitting for 4-5 weeks.

Have fun because that is what you're dealing with.
Well i try keep this thread active. Im not a good writer or a experienced indoor grower. I want to improve and share my experiences with you guys.

Good news 6 lovely reg DeimosxAK47 seeds have sucesfully germinated. So i do have 6x Blackwaters (clones) 7x Zkittlez (clones) in 6 Pots 4 L. Im really excited for the DeimosxAK47. They were ordered for free from freespore. Any of you guys made any experiences with DeimosxAk47 or seeds from freespore? However i do like their idea of sharing genetics.

Bad news...
Im running out of space(70×50×170). Fresh germinated seeds were moved to 1.5L plastic bottles and filled with plagroon grow mix. They should be fine for 3 weeks. I really didnt had the space to repot them properly.

If one or more of 6 reg seeds turns out to be female i want to provide them the same space as the other babes do have currently.

My plans;

Safe genetics!!
I really hope i get atleast 1 or 2 females out of the regs. If this will happen i will select weakest Blackwater out for space. Other option i have is setting up a little mother box. In this case i could keep strongest Zkittlez as mother while providing space for hopefully female regs. Tougths ?

What i did else since last post.

LST on blackwater and zkittzlez
Topping on blackwater and zkittlez
Increase power of cob led to 125w (it was on 100w before) also lamp went 10cm up.
Wick Bottle Hydro - coco perlite mix (one of the regs went in there).

Ill leave some picrures20211230_005400.jpg20211230_005319.jpg20211230_005415.jpg20211230_005501.jpg

If you guys have any tipps please let me know. Plants are a bit stressed due to training a d revegg after preflower. I think i should be fine ?
With only 125w of light in that space i would of continued flowering, they look very stretchy already and I'm not seeing any LST on most them plants
With only 125w of light in that space i would of continued flowering, they look very stretchy already and I'm not seeing any LST on most them plants
I do have another cob citizen ready to use which is 200w. My plan was to upgrade to 200w as soon as i start flower. Im down to upgrade to 200w in veg but i want them to recover from all the stress from reveg/topping etc. Maybe wait max 1 week then upgrade to 200w and leave them in veg for a couple of days under new ligth before send them to flower ? What do you think ?
Im really sorry for asking so much.. Hope you guys dont mind...

BenGman you made me think of something. Indeed some of them look very stretchy, especially zkittlez and 2 of them i dont like.

Is it a thing to remove weak or like for this example to stretchy plant/s due to space or more variety in sorts/strains ? If so are my 2days old seedlings able to catch up to the heigth of the rest of the plants in like 2-3weeks ? I really want to have 3 different strains then only 2 which all are clones and i never saw the mother. Also i dont like that my friend gave those zkittlez clones liquid nutrition after the clones barely had rooted... Im going full organic even if its my first grow.

Btw growing indoor is alot of fun. Cant remember last time having so much fun doing something new. (Well actually i grow outdoors for ever 10 years XD) I feel like a little child first time on a new playground. How can this be illegal in my country ayayay... Man growing his sleep medicine getting criminalized..

Here a pic ( 2 in the middle of picture) of those 2 stretchy overfed zkittlez clones.. As soon as 1 of the regs shows female preflower ill kill accordingly to spawn rate of females.
Im thinking if i had 100 or so Plants i would definately kill the weakest 10% of each strain.

Impressed by the growth of a reg seed indoors. Please dear ganja lord let it be atleast 1 female. I will take care of her for sure ;) hehehe


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Fresh leaves are all 3 fingered after revegging. Did some research. An article on thcfarmer says this is pretty comon after revegging(interrupt photoperiodic). Can someone confirm this ? I had some 3fingered leaves Outdoor, but mostly on young seedlings or fresh clones. Article also says after reveg first 3 finger then 1 finger again 3 finger until finally back to normal 5 or even 7 ? Can someone confirm this ?


Edit: Well i found some 4 fingered mutation leaves... So i do have 5 / 3 and 4 fingered leaves. Next ones gonna be single ones i guess ... The bet is on XD20211230_063346.jpg
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Too much over thinking lol, They are like that because they need more light!, and you have fuck all mate just tbh, the plants are telling you this!!! Forget about the stress and whatever on em, they are just fine just gotta check for hermies once in awhile....tie them down by lsting all of them proper man (bend them bitches over) so the side branches get some growth, more nodes=more buds, blast em with light just keep temps in check, yes they grow 3 leaves then 5 and so on back to normal 100%. And only throw away what you don't need, if you run out of space-whatever.
Too much over thinking lol, They are like that because they need more light!, and you have fuck all mate just tbh, the plants are telling you this!!! Forget about the stress and whatever on em, they are just fine just gotta check for hermies once in awhile....tie them down by lsting all of them proper man (bend them bitches over) so the side branches get some growth, more nodes=more buds, blast em with light just keep temps in check, yes they grow 3 leaves then 5 and so on back to normal 100%. And only throw away what you don't need, if you run out of space-whatever.

Overthinking for sure is a problem. I like over thinkers though they tend to excel in this sport.
Overthinking for sure is a problem. I like over thinkers though they tend to excel in this sport.
True, tbh i should overthinked alot more before i have started this project.

For example ; Planing out the whole thing. It turns out that i just had to much plants (or you can also say to big pots compared to number of plants and space/ligth). Accepting those 7zkittlez from a friend was stupid of me! If i just had start grew those 6 Blackwaters clones and working with the reg seeds i think i wouldnt have issues with space. I probably even could have cloned all the regs. Strongest female mother for next grow and set up motherbox. Other example is topping to early.

I did some adjustments now.

-Hanging up 200w cob with samsung chip
-Improved power of cobs from 125w to 160w ( I will increase its power steady till start of bloom.)
-Gave back some zkittlez clones main reason was space for all other plants and regs. I didnt like those clones aswell.
-Read some articles about regular seeds and if its possible to increase its female rate. (See bellow)
-Lowered temperature in grow room from 26-27ish to 23-24ish
-Getting used to LST i was just too big of a pussy to bend it down. Limit test on one. Seeing first results of to weak LST looks fine tho.
-Regular seeds still in plastic bottle but more ligth and warmth. Increased humidity with plastic bottle canopy (Yes i did make airholes)

1. Level of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed: A heightening of the standard level of nitrogen makes for more female plants originating from the seeds. A lowering of the nitrogen level shows more male plants. A heightening of the level of potassium tends to show more male plants, while a lowering of the potassium level shows more female plants. A combination of a higher nitrogen level for the period of a week or two and a lowering of the potassium level is recommended.
2. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed: a higher humidity makes for an increase in the number of female plants from seed, a lowering for an increase in male plants. The same is valid for the moistness of the seedbed.
3. Level of temperatures: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female plants, higher temperatures for more male plants.
4. Colour of light: more blue light makes for female plants from seed, more red light makes for more male plants.
5. Hours of daylight: few hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) makes for more female individuals, a long day (e.g. 18 hours) makes for more male plants. *

Now let me just make a few adjustments here to this. You can do whatever you want to your plants in seedling stage and early vegetative stage of growth and it will not effect your final male to female ratios. The time when things should be near perfect is in or around the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth. This is the CRITICAL TIME for getting those female ratios up and up.



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It seems like they realized its vegg time again. Was worth making place. More place for LST and regs.

Do plants look healthy ? Plagroon growmix didnt use any nutritions yet. (Plagroon growmix good for first 3 weeks?