revegged plant mould issue


ryt wen i saw this i started cuttin all the busy growth out of the middle so ii cud get rid ofthe white,i also removed lots of dead rotting bud and leaves from before the reveg. I fink it has appened because i spray my plants and then the heat dusnt get to the middle so it really moist. I have lost one of the main colas coz this stuff rotted the stem, it was all wilting so i removed it


nd also my soil has lots of tiny white worms in , r they bad or not a problem. Oh n i dont have ny fans at all in my grow n dat cud b y dat mould cum coz it too humid


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's mould, I think it's eggs. I think you've got spider-mites. Look at the marijuana problem forums for threads about pest control, I've never had to deal with mites myself.


Well-Known Member
it looks like mould 2 me mate
u should NEVER spray anything on 2 a plant thats flowering the plant needs about 50-70% humidity to prevent mould also lots of air flow


Well-Known Member
It looks like spider mites to me, Although I could be wrong. Here is some info I gathered from the FAQ....

Spider Mites:

Signs of an Infestation:
Mites will first be noticed by the presence of small, discolored spots located near veins in the leaves. To see them, you will need the help of a 10X loupe, or a 30X Microscope. Mites use piercing mouthparts to suck sap. Mites will slow growth and attack the buds in advanced stages. The life cycle of the spider mite is closely tied to the temperature of the grow room; slow an infestation by keeping temp in the low 70?s.

Eliminating spider mites:
A ?No Pest strip? is very effective in eliminating them. Avid is a very effective systemic chemical control. A soapy spray will also keep their numbers in check (thoroughly coat underside of the leaves). Space plants out to minimize transfer movement between plants.

Good luck friend - BTF bongsmilie


thanx but dont fink it spider mits mate iv lucked under the leaves near the mould n there isnt ny mites, that is what my 1st fort was lol but i fink it mould, nd nowt on the tiny white worms in my soil


Well-Known Member
thanx but dont fink it spider mits mate iv lucked under the leaves near the mould n there isnt ny mites, that is what my 1st fort was lol but i fink it mould, nd nowt on the tiny white worms in my soil
fink lucked mould ny fort fink nd nowt

Dude, those are not words. Another good way to get better/more responses is by using proper grahmar. I know we are all guilty from time to time, but geeze dude :roll:



Well-Known Member
i had some cuttings that were 4 weeks into flowering and i switched the light cycle to 24/7 and put them it a heated propagater and they ended up lookig just like ur plant and i thought that was mold becase of the high humidity


kk and then wot happen because of it jaybee - nd also the other day i forgot 2 turn my lights off in the mornin n so they ended up being on 4 24 hours then back to normal cycle - will this do anything n they are 4 weeks flowering