

Well-Known Member
Heres my story. Its my first grow, so I screwed up quite a bit. I left all my plants on 12/12 since they were just tiny seedlings...maybe 3 days of veg time.

Well, my plants have grown up, and I had 2 males, 3 females, and one that is STILL UNKNOWN. I'm told that it is most likely a female because its taking so long to show sex.

I really only want the 3 females I know are females I'm free to experiment with this 4th mystery plant.

I have stuck it under some CFL's and I want to try to veg the plant NOW...even though it has been under 12/12 for a month and a half now.

Is it already destined to fail? Should I just not even bother? I'd like to give it a shot...

Anything specific I should do for it? Nutes? Something? If it does succeed (and is female) could I just save it as a mother plant?

The plant that is being put into reveg is the largest of all my plants (lots of nodes) so I think it would make an excellent mother plant.



Well-Known Member
story man!
revegging is easy, it takes a long time and the plant structure gets pretty messy after a wile but its very do-able, i recently revegged a clone off a fully matre WW it was the smallest lower branch that had tiny aged buds on it but stuck it under 24hrs,18 would do id say,and after a long time roots came and so did the veg! grew pretty radically. MAKE SURE YOU TO PRUNE PLANT BEFORE FLOWERING TO GET DESIRED BUD BRANCHES.stick to lowish amount of neuts for a while until they get over the backwards photoperiod stress.let me kno how you get on!