Reverse Osmosis


Well-Known Member
Im in the market for a Revese Osmosis Machine because it is becoming a hassle pHing the tap water and even more of a burden running to the store to buy 5 gal jugs of i might as well bite the bullet and purchase a R.O. of my own. What things should i look for in a R.O. machine? how much should i expect to pay? whats maintenace like? are they easy to install what gph rating do i get.....i need anywhere from 8-10 gals every 3 days to keep my ladies thirst quenched. will there be other things i need to purchase seperate from the unit itself....ect....

so to those of you out there who are using R.O. water, help me out. thanks


Well-Known Member
also, RO is not for ph'n its to start from or close to 000ppms so you can feed more aggressively and more precisely!

you will still have to PH the water (after you put the nutes in it that is)

you may also want to look into buying a standby res


Active Member
I have a ? should I hook my reverse osmosis up to the hard water supply or to the hard water conditioned supply?
I was told that the ro would remove the salt?
thanks joebejoe