RH% is between 57-60% after drying. Should i Still burp daily?


Well-Known Member
I chopped my plants down and let them dry for a week before they were dry enough to break down and trim and put into jars. After a few days I was expecting my hygrometers to jump up in RH as the buds start sweating, but it's been 4 days and everything has been real stable between 57-60%. Should i keep burping my jars or will it be ok to leave them alone to cure?


Well-Known Member
Likely means you just did an excellent job of drying (or over dried :p).

The large swings you've seen in the early days of curing previously likely means that you haven't adequately dried the buds before jarring. A lot of people do this (myself included) to prevent over drying accidentally.

The drying process is meant to give the exterior layers of the buds adequate time to shed their excess moisture via diffusion with the air.

With the curing process, your jarring the buds in an effort to create a microclimate optimal to the process of diffusion, except instead of the exterior wicking moisture out into the air, were wicking moisture from the inner layers to the outer, and then by burping further allowing the exterior of the bud to transfer that excess moisture to the fresh, less humid air we let in when burped.

The fact your jars are staying relatively stable, means the exterior was properly dried, and interior is still wicking out moisture (which is why rH is staying stable even with burping and not dropping as it would if the buds were no longer wicking moisture). The less moisture that is in the center of the bud, the longer the diffusion effect will take to happen from inner to outer, which is why we cut back on how often we burp jars as the days roll on.

Long story short, your good. Just keep burping the jars as all the guides say to (once a day for a week, every other day for a week, etc), until your rH is at optimal moisture content for smoking (or for long term storage if thats what you want to do).