Well-Known Member
I was talking to someone from the UK the other day and we had a kind of weird discussion. The difference between British accents, now I know their are tens or even hundreds of different dialects of UK English, but we discussed what can be called the "Main two", and that is "The accent of the upper class, or people who pretend to not be lower class" and "Chav". Chav is more like when they're like "Oi, yeew betuh get on wif it." and the rich accent is where they are like "Did you enjoy your biscuts?" "Quite". So more like the Harvard joke voice. But the point we got down to in this discussion is "What accent do American's prefer?" and the person for the UK was surprised to hear that American's would RATHER talk to a chav. Not necessarily the ones that talk so horribly you can't understand, but as an example, American's would rather hear the accent of Russel Brand VS Daniel Radcliff. The higher class accents really just have more chance of being made fun of when the person leaves, because American's will joke around by saying "Quite" and "Indubitably" and things like that.