Riddle Me This...EM1


New Member
I'm trying to find a "mother culture" recipe for effective microorganisms. I've seen numerous posts and videos of people making a LAB serum and calling it EM1 and I don't quite understand.
I've found one video that makes sense to a degree but there are a couple variables. I'll leave the link below
If anyone has information that includes the principal organisms (purple nonsulfur bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeast, actinomyces etc...) can you school me please? I'm also curious how you can ferment lactobacillus aerobically. I see on the "EM1" label it's 1% lactobacillus 3% molasses and 96% water yet it contains all these other microorganisms. I've dove deep into a rabbit hole trying to figure this out. I'm new to the world of anaerobic microbiology. I studied Dr Elaine's seminars and this was supposedly a no go. Any info greatly appreciated.

Hey first off decide what microbes you want in your EM culture. Then read up on those microbes and how the chosen microbes interact with each other ( its a deep hole ), but worth it.

LABs is Lactobacillus only or a mix of different lactobacillus strains.
Eg. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus

EM ( effecient microbes )
refers to a mix of microbes alot of EM products also include lactobacillus and PNSB (Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria )

Each microbe culture is made a different way. And has different functions. So do some research on the different microbes for soil health, decide which ones you want to culture and YouTube has videos of how to make cultures of most microbes even pnsb. The readily availible products some has a more diverse microbe mix then what you can culture succefully after trial and error. I use to make my own but now I just buy EM-1 ( that has pnsb ). And just activate it using molasses. 0.5ml of Em-1 can make gallons of activated EM solution. Or if you want to make your own LABs would be best it makes a notable difference in plants.
That's my 2c