Rip plants cops rolled in


Active Member
yesterday and today was basically one of the shitty slash scariest lucky days of my life.

so yesterday i got an call from a random number telling me my house was gonna get searched soon somehow the cops found out about my plants. my stupid sister got drunk and ran her mouth at the bar, and i guess there was an undercover or someone listening. but i got lucky and got a call from a random private number telling me that my house was about to get raided.

so i killed all my plants off first thing took my lights down except for one put my fish tank where my plants use to be.

then i got all my bongs,pipes,bows.papers,gas mask ect. and put them all in ziplockbags and hid them deep to the bottem of a jumbo size thing of cat food in my bathroom.

listerally 6 hours later the cops showed up to my house with a search warrent. and bla bla bla i read it was legit. so i let them in they were in here for about 2 hours turned everything over ect couldnt find anything started giving me a shitty speach about watching me and stuff and i was like well i have nothing to hide i dont do anything you can test me right now lol i have been clean for over a month now because im in a program which the police no nothing about because the charges are not on file they are all on paper in a town up in athens.

well i guess my days of growing were short lived for a while until i get a new place.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man. Having to deal with the bullshit justice system and cops these days is a joke. Glad to hear you got a head's up, and that you were able to spare yourself the misery they would've brought to your life. Seems to me that some hearsay bullshit conversation in a bar from a drunk chick warranting a search warrant borders on illegality. If so, that sets an awfully low bar for probable cause and future calls for search warrants. Pisses me off!


Well-Known Member
first thing: duct tape sisters mouth shut
second thing: tie her up in basement
third thing: tell her wait for me, i'll be there soon....


Active Member
yea it all fuckin blows

yea shes on my shit list for a while she wanted me to get rid of an oz that she got for mad cheap and i told her to fuck off. because she knows basically im hot right now with the police in my area.

i got mad lucky.
i dont know who called me to warn me but i really really love them now lol.

o well when i get a new place which is in like 3 months ill start all over again.


Well-Known Member
first thing: duct tape sisters mouth shut
second thing: tie her up in basement
third thing: tell her wait for me, i'll be there soon....

but seriously ur so lucky u got the heads up bruh. it could of been alot worse. trust me. my boy is doin 10 years in the fishkill state pen , cuz he went down for a sting. his whole apartment complex was in on selling marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. so eventhough he was small time, he still got hit with the long dick of the law. i think it had do with RICO or some shit. but anyway, ur very lucky. and the only thing i can tell u is grab yourself a quarter O and indulge. and breathe deep.............


Active Member
wish i could i havnt smoked in a month im in a program right now. doesnt really bother me i need to get this fel charge off me. i got an agreement for 14 weeks of out patient drug test every week.


Well-Known Member
Male or female, reletive or not (Mom is exempt I guess but she knows what I do and dont care) she wouldnt be talking for a while with that jaw wired shut and the massive painkillers from the doc. you can tell her shes lucky she has you for a brother and not me. without that call you coulda spent some time away. Really im a nice person ha ha.


Active Member
lol im just gonna shut her out from all my connections and all the free pot i use to give her. i use to give her an 8th a week to sell and keep the money for herself and what ever she wanted. she usually sold it to her roomies.

no more free shit for her.
my mom,dad,and older brother are all big potheads. and i get them all their shit so yea shes gonna be left out in the rain from now on.


Active Member
yea i told her that she will never hear any of my business ever again.

when i get my new place its on like fucking donky kong i told her to not even come into my new place.


o_O That is like Eagle Eye shit. How many plants did you have anyway, I take it you didnt grow them just for personal use?


Well-Known Member
You should change your name to crazeunstealthgrower...I would never mention this to anyone but my wife and thats only cuz she has to know