Risk the wait?


Well-Known Member
I'm about 2 weeks from harvest and we might get three days of rain soon should I harvest early or risk it? We literally just had a baby so I don't have time to cover them with having a new born since the crops about 30 mins away
I remember having to go home and tend the garden while my wife was in the hospital still with a new born. Honestly I would make the time to cover the crop and try to finish out the season. Without seeing your plant its just a guess, but based on what everyone else posts on here saying they are two weeks away, your plant probably relly have 3-4 weeks. So chopping early would definitely reduce the yields and quality of the plants you have waited so long for growing.
I totally understand the worry, you don't want mold right at the end either. Its part of what makes outdoor growing without some sort of cover ability hard depending on your area and climate. I'm up in Oregon and we've been stacking up plants this week expecting rain finally(its been months without any). Plants can take a little rain and we've got to many to cover so they are just getting better supported. We are actually running a seed crop this year, so they are starting to come down Monday anyway. We have trellis netting on our plants for support already, but we added extra stakes to the netting to make it tighter and stronger.
I'm about 2 weeks from harvest and we might get three days of rain soon should I harvest early or risk it? We literally just had a baby so I don't have time to cover them with having a new born since the crops about 30 mins away
New borns are pretty chill they sleep allot, set your partner up wit supplies and stuff for a few hours to make their life easy and cover them up, is that possible
You have to go out for supplies during this time anyways so just take a couple days a week till they are done to keep an eye on them. Congrats on the newborn and good luck on finishing out your grow. :)