RIU pirate ship sign on.... or be impressed LOL


Well-Known Member
I have zero funding but want the fuck out of the US, so i will earn my keep. We need funding, damnnnnnnnnnn it!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Oooho we need so many peeps to help run this and then to keep it when it gets all done so it's nice and shit. Parrots, wenches and alcohol are a good start but someone needs to deal with the rats.... and then there's the maintenance on the thing.. so we have to do that (at least).


Well-Known Member
I have two male cats, they can kill some serious fucking rats... ill bring... just gotta share some fish with them. unless we dont have enough, then we can kill them and eat them =D


Well-Known Member
Well, I think of ole Pim as a Capt. Ahab type chasing the ghost ship deserves his shot at the rats.....but I have contingencies , I'll implement when Pim fails