Riz' First Time Stealth Scrog


Well-Known Member
What up all!! I've been showin my little indoor scrog setup on my outdoor thread, decided I should just move it to where it belongs. I've got 2 girls growin up through a scrog table that I slapped together. The growing chamber is a box I made outta panda paper and 1x2's. It's about 3'L x 2'W x 6'H. Lighting is a 250 M.H. that I hope to get a conversion bulb for soon, and four 23wt ( 100 ) cfl's.

I flipped 'em 2 days ago, so good things should be coming soon!! I've got my medical recommendation, so I am allowed to do more, i'm just waiting for my situation to change ( need to move!! ) before I go big!!:bigjoint:And big I will go!!!

Anyway, here's what I've got so far....It's my first time tryin Scrog, but i've seen the results, especially when used in a small space, so i'm hopin' i'll be able to pull some sweet dankness from it.

These first one's are from 1-2 weeks ago.....


stink hole

Active Member
dude its looking great how old are those plants???how long do you think it will take to fill the screen? that is a great system to do you can get so much with so little.....i was gonna do i scrog setup{still might}......do you just keep topping the plant? can you explan how it all works....

grow space

Well-Known Member
oh man- and i think you should put those cfls much closer or jus a little bit more(actually more more closer) and if you can use some reflectors or do yourself some 4 idunno man-like 4 beer cans-spray that inside of a can white-i myself like that way more:)


Well-Known Member
dude its looking great how old are those plants???how long do you think it will take to fill the screen? that is a great system to do you can get so much with so little.....i was gonna do i scrog setup{still might}......do you just keep topping the plant? can you explan how it all works....
Thanks Stink! Umm....the plants are close to 4 months old from seed. The screen is pretty much filled in; flipped 'em a couple days ago, so not gonna do much more training. And yeah, they had been topped originally, then fimmed right before i put 'em under the screen. Multiple top plants are better suited to the scrog method, since what you're doin' is tryin to increase the # of tops, and so as they grow up through the screen you just tuck 'em back down and over to the next square. I'll try to get some close ups tonight so you can have a better visual,cool?

Thanks for stoppin by!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
looking good man.nice and healthy plants.

keep up the good work....
oh man- and i think you should put those cfls much closer or jus a little bit more(actually more more closer) and if you can use some reflectors or do yourself some 4 idunno man-like 4 beer cans-spray that inside of a can white-i myself like that way more:)
G.S. thanks for the props! And yeah, i feel ya. I usually keep the cfl's bout 2 inches from the tops, but that might not be reflected in those pics. And my plan was to get some sheet metal or flashing, cut it up for some reflectors and paint 'em. Good lookin out bro!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's a few new pics after 10 days of 12/12. They have really started to stretch and take off above the screen. I had previously removed all of the nodes and some of the fan leaves below the screen, and yesterday I selectively removed a few fan leaves above the screen that were shading some of the tops. Now i'm just gonna let 'em go and wait for the buds to come!! Pistils are exploding out all over so it shouldn't be long for the clusters to start forming. I still need to get a 250 wt. HPS conversion bulb for the MH ballast, but i'm a little strapped for cash right now, and 250 conversions are alot harder to come by than 400 wt. and up. Oh well, if I can, I will. I'm also doin a poor man's Co2 setup using my paintball Co2 tanks and a remote line. There's no way for me to monitor levels right now, or really gauge it's effects, but I figure some is better than none at all, right?

Anyway, here's the pics!! It's gonna get good from here on out so keep watchin'!!:peace:

Okay, that didn't work. Anyone know why sometimes my pictures will automatically be resized to fit as an attachment, and sometimes not? Same camera, same everything. Most of the time my pics upload just fine; couple of times now it has said " error " and that I have to resize pics myself. WTF?

bam bam

Active Member
How long did you veg before you switched it to flower?

You plant looks pretty short and I dont see a lot of horizontal branching underneath the screen. I dont know much about scrog growing though.

In srog grow shouldnt there be a lot of horizontal bracnhing, a lot of leaves and dense foliage underneath the screen?

It just seems like when you switch it into flowering there was little foliage and branching underneath the screen.


Well-Known Member
plnats look good,,,but i thought u were supossed to kind of weave the plant in the screen or have it go sideways under the screen and side shoots shoot up through openings in the screen......ive doone some lst'ing and i thought it was basically that jus with a screen so u dont use individual spikes ect.


Well-Known Member
How long did you veg before you switched it to flower?

You plant looks pretty short and I dont see a lot of horizontal branching underneath the screen. I dont know much about scrog growing though.

In srog grow shouldnt there be a lot of horizontal bracnhing, a lot of leaves and dense foliage underneath the screen?

It just seems like when you switch it into flowering there was little foliage and branching underneath the screen.

What up Bam! Hmmmm lets see. The plants were about 3 months old from seed when I flipped 'em. About the rest, I'll answer you, and CBT down below.................

plnats look good,,,but i thought u were supossed to kind of weave the plant in the screen or have it go sideways under the screen and side shoots shoot up through openings in the screen......ive doone some lst'ing and i thought it was basically that jus with a screen so u dont use individual spikes ect.

CBT, thanks, and to answer you and Bam, the plants are only about 2 ft tall from soil, when I put 'em under the screen the one on the left had two tops, the one on the right had four. Every other top you see comin through the screen is either a side branch or a node from further down on the tops. As they grew through, i tucked 'em back down and over a square. Repeat as room allows. Parts of your question don't really make sense to me. :confused: I went from six tops to about 50 ( probably stretching that estimate just a little; i'll count 'em tonight ). If I had more space to work with I would have trained them longer and had even more tops, but i'm workin with what I got, feel me?

Also, since I flipped 'em they are starting to stretch, so i'm done trainin 'em. All growth will be vertical now, and hopefully filled with buds!!!

Anyway, like I said in the intro, this is my first time tryin this method, but all things considered....available space, time, results,.......i'm quite satisfied. :peace: