Road Biking and Smoking (solo) thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I've been timing my rides over the last year or so and adding a category for if I did/did not smoke before.... I'm noticing that on rides where I smoke before I go on average 23% further and 5% faster pace.

I'm thinking this is because I start the ride more relaxed so I don't tense up my muscles unnecessarily....

Anyone else have experience with this?

I'm fortunate to live right next to a ~90 mile complex of paved trails along the Arkansas river so I don't have to worry about traffic... two lanes for bicycles and a separate lane for walkers.
I like riding my bike afrer smoking.. It's so calming for me :) But unfortunately I can't ride for a long time..
I started at around 5 miles and it took me a year for my first mini gran fondo (32 miles)... My last race was 78 miles and my longest ride is just short of 100 with a couple short breaks for snack/bathroom/etc... normally about two hours in a stretch anymore.

It just takes time and a lot of practice
I started at around 5 miles and it took me a year for my first mini gran fondo (32 miles)... My last race was 78 miles and my longest ride is just short of 100 with a couple short breaks for snack/bathroom/etc... normally about two hours in a stretch anymore.

It just takes time and a lot of practice
I hope so. But I really can't drive while smoking tabacco. It's exhausted
I hope so. But I really can't drive while smoking tabacco. It's exhausted
Oh no, I don't smoke tobacco (make my own vape juice but it's almost 0 nic)
I meant get stoned and bike... yea I actually only got into biking once I quit actual tobacco.... even my weed is in vape or edible form these days.