Rockwool PH?


Well-Known Member
How do you guys normaly adjust the ph of the rockwool? I've been cloning in an aero setup, now need to move 'em to rockwool.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well , dont overwater cubes............set the medium and water the medium not, on top of the cube..........if you have those big cubes for your medium.......just try not to contaminate the cube with absorbs everything in the fibers....any pics


Well-Known Member
use ph down and adjust to 5.5, soak for about 5 min, then dip them in your nutes, i use a 2tsp thrive alive red per gallon of ro water for clones and seeds alike. if you don't have ph down you can use a fresh lemon's juice little bit at a time, like 1/8- 1/4 tsp at a time give 30 min for ph to stabilize. hit you plants with a foliar spray that has root stimulator a day after transplant to rockwool. it helps with transplant shock, i also usually give them 10 hrs of darkness immediatly after.


Well-Known Member
Are the rockwools naturaly high in ph, or are they neutral and absorb surrounding ph? To clones are healthy but need to cut rockwool cubes and put clones into them. I am selling to a local Co-oP but they want them in rockwool.


Well-Known Member
just the way they come, all of them require it. just dip em in solution and give em to em. let them worry about nutes.. i'd still use gel tho


Active Member
rockwool is simple. take your cubes and soak them in Reverse osmosis water thats been ph'ed to 5.5. make sure to swirl em around and junk the point of it is to get as much water to run through the cubes as possible. after 30 minutes check the ph of the water. if its not 5.5 adjust and repeat. make sure to sling the water out of the cubes a little. i like to use my hands. grip it firmly and swing your arms around as fast as u can. LOL. watch the spray! _wipes off glasses_ alright you should be set now.