rocky's indoor grow!


Active Member
Whats up guys! Im reporting live from Kentucky!

Well ok, this is my first attempted grow ever and i take criticism very well so if you got some advice or see something im doing wrong tell me i wont care, but if its not constructive than why bother?

Ok so far this is my setup..
6 x 26W 6500k cfls
2 x 40W 23s...(i know i need 6500k for veg, but i couldnt find anything bigger than 26w.)
Oh and i got a desk fan in there on low blowing on the lights and plants, at first i didnt have it but then i put it in there and made the lights 100 times cooler.
Its in my closet, they setup is kinda hard to explain but ill take a pic when i get home and show you guys. How i have it right now is temp..
As for the plants.. they are they best shit on the planet!!!
bagseed! First timmer .. so i figure learn on free bag seeds, and if it turns out im doing good ill buy some fire shit.
As of today they are on day 2 of actually being planted, but they were in a paper towel for 2 1/2 days. There are total of 8 seeds planted and under the lights. I have alot more germing, but i think im just gunna do 2 more.
Well my upcoming plans for the plants are to LST and FIM once they get their third leaf set.
What do you guys feel about this? good? bad? dunno? Other recommendations?
Now for watering/adding nutes and such.. from what ive read on here i have heard its not good to add nutes till about the third week. If im wrong please let me know. Also What else do you guys add besides water for the first 3 weeks??

Ok well im about to leave work here soon, when i get home ill take some pics of my little ones and show you guys and tell me what you guys think!!!
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Active Member
Ok as i promised here are the pics! All 8 out of 8 seeds planted sprouted, and looking pretty good, however one of the false leafs fell off one of em. I think what happened is that the tape that was holding the light over that plant started to unstick so it started leaning onto the plant. The other leaf is still green though. All in all im happy for day 2, oh and one question why is it that some of the stems are green, and some are a light purple shade?



Active Member
Sorry some of those pics are kinda blurry. Ill post some new ones tomorrow, ill try to make them clearer. Hopefully the girl who lost a false leaf will recover!


Active Member
Hey what do you guys think about that little seedling that only has one false leaf (the other fell off cuz a cfl was touching it). Think it will survive or should i replace it? Cuz i got a whole slew of germed seeds. Also another seedling got a little burn on its first set of real leafs(Just on one, right on the very edge). Think they will make it, or get a new one to replace it? Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Alrighty, the plant that had the light touching it dosent look like its doing to hot, the other leaf thats still on it looks like its starting to die off. However the stem looks perfectly fine.

So what i decided to do is if its still not looking to hot in the morning im going to replace it with a diffrent germed seed.

But other than that they all look nice and green and healthy!!
Im soo excited about this, cant wait for a couple months from now!


Active Member
Ok so the unfortunate one dosent look like its going to recover, soo im just gunna replace it. Ill have pics for you guys soon.


Active Member
What are things to look for when trying to determine if a plant is either Sativa or Indica? And how young are you able to tell?

Today is gunna be a fun day, i just got back from home depot with all my supplies to build my grow box! Im gunna try and make it big enough to grow 8-10 plants. Because i think its kinda silly to only be growing a few at a time.

i wish someone else besides me would post in my thread!!


Well-Known Member
i think sativa has a thinner leaf and more fingers,they also grow much taller and have a different buzz,a little damage to a plant shouldnt hurt,ive hacked them up and they still grow.are you not able to get an envirolite?


Active Member
Hey guys everything is looking pretty good. I got some pictures for you guys. Some of em are pics of the setup i made, and the rest are from today day 4.
As of yesterday they have had 8 26W 6500k cfls over em. I want to get some more powerful ones like the envirolites you are talking about, i may get an hps system for flowering if i feel its worth it.

sorry about the lighting on some of them! Enjoy!, i think they are doing fabulous.
Oh and i have used no nutes or any other chemical. So far just promix soil and some tap water.



Well-Known Member
Get the hps for flower it's worth it,

You may want to cover your cups so light doesn't get to the roots. Maybe buy some colored cups the same size. Other than that I'd say looking good.


Active Member
alrighty ill get something to cover up the cups..
and thanks for the reply
Also where do you find the emergency blankets at wal mart?


Well-Known Member
Hello Rockyy,

Looks like things are rolling along here, only thing that crossed my mind was what sort of lumens are those cfl's putting out. I did lots of reading on lights and although it seems you can grow with various fluorescents you certainly aren't getting the sheer power of the MH or HPS lights.

I too am using fluorescents since I didn't want the heat issue or to have a huge reflector since I was converting a dresser that wouldn't accommodate it well.

If you can get a real grow light do it, if not and you do stick with the fluorescents make sure to gets lots of them. I have 16 x 2' HO T5 6500k 2160 lumen lights, even with those I am still anywhere between 1000-20000 lumens below various 400W lights. Good luck and keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
yep guess if you have the space hps and mh are prob best but i can certainly say that a couple of envirolites in a small space work very well, prob 300 grams bud to 400 watt of light.


Active Member
yea ill probably be getting an mh/hps setup sooner or later.
oh and how the lights are setup in my thing each plant has 2 lights shinning on them now. im thinking before to long im gunna have to get hps!
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Well-Known Member
im sure you already know this by now, but the plants physical structure will help you figure out wether its indica or sativa.... short bushy = indica.. tall and possibly skinny = sativa.. also the high/stobe is very different..... but,,,,, so many strains are mix ind/sat...

hope this helps

ps.. i dont think its necessary for mh during veg anymore with technology you can use cfl in the form of t5's etc... but i swear by my hps, and that wll actually get you thru, seed to smoke..... so take your time in lighting and find something you will always use, if you have the space, i would recommend a 400 or 600 and add another at a later date, using a swing arm for better area coverage etc...
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Active Member
Couple questions Is it worth to get the interchangable HPS/mh ballast? Or just HPS.

For 8-10 plants is 400w enough or do i have to go 600?

Also how cool does the cool tube make it?

I see ballasts that come without light sockets, are these just regular sockets you can get from home depot?

And finnaly what are good prices for digital 400w ballast?
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Active Member
How much do you think they yields will increase if i was to get a mh/hps setup?
Because i want to grow to get the maximum yield possible, However i dont want to spend more than what the yields will potentially make me.
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