Rodger Stone set too walk


Well-Known Member
The omnipotent one in the WH has declared that his good friend & fellow ego-manancial turd, the convicted felon Roger Stone, is being treated unfairly and the DOJ interjected on his behalf today and refused to accept the sentences recommended by the Federal Prosecutors
And what did the prosecutors do?
All four of them fucking quit saying they would have no part of this charade.
You gotta admit it though now, and that is that Trump really is a fucking God & seemingly there is no stopping him & the Dem's are powerless to do anything about it.

Or are they?


We shall see
Roger has to get by a judge first and that might not be so easy, the judge will most likely follow the sentencing guidelines (7-9 years), the judges read the news too. Donald can commute his sentence or pardon him if he wants, doing it before the election would be dumb though, but hey it's Donald!
I don't think Judge Berman has to cater to the whims of Trump and Barr. At least I hope not.
I figure 8 years for Roger, Trump will eventually pardon him if he wants him sprung. I hear the judge might want to talk to the four prosecutors and the Trump appointed assistant AG who ordered the change, they might have a date in court before sentencing. I wonder if the trumper assistant AG will defy a court issued subpoena, will Donald order him not to appear?

Looks like Flynn and Rudy are in for similar treatment, all were parties to conspiracies that Trump is directly involved in. Goodbye to the rule of law, next Barr will be going after the democratic candidates with "investigations". If the GOP loses in 2020, Barr will probably go to prison along with Trump and many others, so you're dealing with desperate people and with Donald anything goes.
I figure 8 years for Roger, Trump will eventually pardon him if he wants him sprung. I hear the judge might want to talk to the four prosecutors and the Trump appointed assistant AG who ordered the change, they might have a date in court before sentencing. I wonder if the trumper assistant AG will defy a court issued subpoena, will Donald order him not to appear?

Looks like Flynn and Rudy are in for similar treatment, all were parties to conspiracies that Trump is directly involved in. Goodbye to the rule of law, next Barr will be going after the democratic candidates with "investigations". If the GOP loses in 2020, Barr will probably go to prison along with Trump and many others, so you're dealing with desperate people and with Donald anything goes.
I am watching the FBI director's hearing from a week ago (it just got buried in the news cycle), and one of the questions he had to dodge was if he was asked by Trump or anyone in his orbit asked him to open any investigations on the Bidens, Bolton, or member of Congress, he had a very good dodge answer saying something along the lines of:

"I have not had anyone from the Trump administration ask me to do any legal investigations." Which is not no, and it took about 2 or 3 false starts to get him to answer it that way, it is obvious he is saying he was asked to do illegal shit. And later on he said he is setting up the FBI to be sure to hold people responsible for their illegal actions.

I still have faith in our system eventually sorting this mess out, it is just going to have to take some time. Nothing quick and easy is usually worthwhile.
Joe Calls Out GOP For Telling Trump His Actions Had No Consequences | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Attorney General William Barr is taking control of legal matters of interest to President Trump, including the Roger Stone sentencing, according to multiple people familiar with the matter. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 2/12/2020.
You play fair with the kids who play fair with you. You play dirty with the ones who play dirty with you.

You cant remove a president because you don't like him, or for hearsay, or for being misogynistic, or whatever else you say.

If there was no high crimes committed, and you go after someone powerful, you have to expect retaliation. High crimes that one is found guilty of by the court of law. Not by the sensitive bunch on RIU.

The left should have shut their mouths and worked together for the good of america and tried to win the election next year with positivity, they chose to play dirty and now the saying, the shit rolls downhill is in full affect. Dems are on full shit storm. They have no candidate, they have no future. They will lose, again.
You play fair with the kids who play fair with you. You play dirty with the ones who play dirty with you.

You cant remove a president because you don't like him, or for hearsay, or for being misogynistic, or whatever else you say.

If there was no high crimes committed, and you go after someone powerful, you have to expect retaliation. High crimes that one is found guilty of by the court of law. Not by the sensitive bunch on RIU.

The left should have shut their mouths and worked together for the good of america and tried to win the election next year with positivity, they chose to play dirty and now the saying, the shit rolls downhill is in full affect. Dems are on full shit storm. They have no candidate, they have no future. They will lose, again.
Nope, Trump being an asshole is not illegal.

But holding high office and breaking laws of asking a foreign nation for help with an election, witholding the whistleblower complaint that was mandated by law to be given to congress, and forcing his minions to withhold the funds that were signed into law to be used in Ukraine, was all illegal therefore 'high crimes'.

And he was impeached purely because of his own idiotic actions because he is too afraid to run without cheating.
You play fair with the kids who play fair with you. You play dirty with the ones who play dirty with you.

You cant remove a president because you don't like him, or for hearsay, or for being misogynistic, or whatever else you say.

If there was no high crimes committed, and you go after someone powerful, you have to expect retaliation. High crimes that one is found guilty of by the court of law. Not by the sensitive bunch on RIU.

The left should have shut their mouths and worked together for the good of america and tried to win the election next year with positivity, they chose to play dirty and now the saying, the shit rolls downhill is in full affect. Dems are on full shit storm. They have no candidate, they have no future. They will lose, again.
you "play" with kids? typical Republican.
Nope, Trump being an asshole is not illegal.

But holding high office and breaking laws of asking a foreign nation for help with an election, witholding the whistleblower complaint that was mandated by law to be given to congress, and forcing his minions to withhold the funds that were signed into law to be used in Ukraine, was all illegal therefore 'high crimes'.

And he was impeached purely because of his own idiotic actions because he is too afraid to run without cheating.
Breaking laws? You mean what biden did when VP? What he was caught on tape saying? Good for the goose is good for the gander. But its funny when libs think they are held to a different standard.

An accused person has the right to face their accuser.. To afraid to show face, and evidence isn't hearsay or something that can be manufactured its factual evidence. Which they had none in the senate. Or too afraid to air out the dirty laundry because it fusking stinks on both sides.

The senate should have called witnesses but they didn't want the other side to do the same. The old saying.. "you cant have your cake and eat it to"

Bottom line is the DNC is absolutely screwed.
Breaking laws? You mean what biden did when VP? What he was caught on tape saying? Good for the goose is good for the gander. But its funny when libs think they are held to a different standard.

An accused person has the right to face their accuser.
What who did when?
Who is the president now?
Nope read the law.

Fucking Republicans just missed out on beating up Obama. You should’ve been a little quicker to the draw. However you were not.
You play fair with the kids who play fair with you. You play dirty with the ones who play dirty with you.

You cant remove a president because you don't like him, or for hearsay, or for being misogynistic, or whatever else you say.

If there was no high crimes committed, and you go after someone powerful, you have to expect retaliation. High crimes that one is found guilty of by the court of law. Not by the sensitive bunch on RIU.

The left should have shut their mouths and worked together for the good of america and tried to win the election next year with positivity, they chose to play dirty and now the saying, the shit rolls downhill is in full affect. Dems are on full shit storm. They have no candidate, they have no future. They will lose, again.
Why should the left allow Trump to ask foreign governments for help in winning an American election?

TRUMP is a petty, womanlike gossip that was a failure in every business venture he's had. As phoney as his orange sprayed skin.

any candidate is better then that criminal.
Breaking laws? You mean what biden did when VP? What he was caught on tape saying? Good for the goose is good for the gander. But its funny when libs think they are held to a different standard.

An accused person has the right to face their accuser.. To afraid to show face, and evidence isn't hearsay or something that can be manufactured its factual evidence. Which they had none in the senate. Or too afraid to air out the dirty laundry because it fusking stinks on both sides.

The senate should have called witnesses but they didn't want the other side to do the same. The old saying.. "you cant have your cake and eat it to"

Bottom line is the DNC is absolutely screwed.
lmao, you mean Biden was breaking laws by doing what the President, Senate, Congress and the rest of the world was telling him to do? You are listening to what liars are telling you to think far too much.

Your dedication to Dear Leader is cute, but it doesn't change the fact that he is a liar and you are just parroting his lies like they are now truth, they are not. The Democrats did call witnesses, but Trump commanded his entire staff to illegally ignore legal subpoena for them to appear before Congress and withhold ALL documents requested.


Quit listening to liars who are trying to keep you in their cult.