Roleandro 300w hack

I have a Roleandro 300w i purchased last Christmas and just replaced it with a 3 cob DIY kit from rapidled (awesome place). I was looking at the mars hack threads and was hoping to repurpose the drivers on this lamp. The issue is the current available.
There are 2 of these drivers and 1 12v driver for fan. Can someome suggest what would be good to pair up with these?


Big Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
If that is the forward voltage and not input voltage for the drivers, I personally would run 3 of the $10 citizen 1212 cobs in series per driver. Realize those drivers are only capable of about 60 watts of output each, so no matter how you slice it, you won't get much over 100 watts out of that fixture, but I expect you will have a much, much better light after this upgrade.
If that is the forward voltage and not input voltage for the drivers, I personally would run 3 of the $10 citizen 1212 cobs in series per driver. Realize those drivers are only capable of about 60 watts of output each, so no matter how you slice it, you won't get much over 100 watts out of that fixture, but I expect you will have a much, much better light after
Thanks for the suggestion!
Currently i have 3 vero29 se on a MW HLG-240H-C1400B. This is what replaced my roleandro 300w. I was just trying to see if it was worth repurposing the drivers for something usefull. Maybe some 2700k or 4000k supplimental light.