

Hey rollituppers,

I am fairly new to the forum, been lurking around and trying to figure out how to make my first upcomming grow successful. I am currently a student and school is taking up a lot of my free time at the moment but i'm just finishing up exams and I have about a month of free time comming up. This month will be all about my first grow, I am planning on building a box for indoor growing, hopefully with a 2X2 foot vegging area and a 4X2 foot flowering area so i can keep crops consistant. Planning on growing with CFL's in a small scale DWC system (im thinking 10 Gallon rubbermaid with 2-3 plants in it). I'm tired of spending 300 dollars an ounce on the goodies and dropping straight to 150 an ounce for crappy china bud. Im hoping I can grow my own goodies and cut out the middle man.

Anyways just wanted to introduce myself and raise my post count a little here :) I don't wanna be a stranger anymore.

I'll post pics of my box when its all said and done (hopefully early Jan). And i plan on starting a grow journal once everything is in place and I'm confident it is time to start the Operation.

Thanks Guys,
