Ron Paul again?


New Member
Rise of the Ron Paul Republicans

By: CRAIG L. COMBS - Commentary
Recently I was honored with the opportunity of speaking to the California Federation of Republican Women on behalf of presidential candidate Ron Paul. Surely, I thought, these ladies would understand the one issue that is driving so many young people to the GOP, the one issue that gets the loudest cheers from the audience wherever Ron Paul speaks, the one issue that no other presidential candidate is discussing except for Ron Paul.

No, I am not talking about Dr. Paul's call for an immediate withdrawal of our troops from the Middle East (I knew that these gentlewomen do not necessarily agree with his foreign policy of peace). I am talking about his vow to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank.

As it turned out, I was wrong. In fact, not one person in the audience could tell me who owned the bank that creates the currency we use every day. These ladies, who certainly should know better at this late stage of their lives, were shocked when I told them what is common knowledge to the young people joining the Ron Paul Revolution: The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned corporation.

The Federal Reserve, an unelected and unaccountable private organization, pumps more dollars into the economy whenever it chooses. Basic economics tells us that the more there is of a commodity, the less valuable it becomes. This is also true of money: The dollar is worth 4 cents of what it was when the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Every day, every dollar we hold is devalued. We pay an "inflation tax" without even realizing it because we are forced by a falling dollar to pay more for goods and services. Of all the presidential candidates, Republican or Democrat, only Dr. Paul is addressing this profound flaw in our economic system.

In 1802, then-President Thomas Jefferson wrote the following in a letter to Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson's words are proving prophetic indeed. Today, the economic bubbles created by the Fed have resulted in massive foreclosures across the country while China and Saudi Arabia, sitting on trillion-dollar sovereign wealth funds, snap up major interests in marquee American companies. America, once the world's greatest creditor nation, is now its greatest debtor.

Jefferson also stated in his letter to Secretary Gallatin that "the issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Ron Paul, as well as the tens of thousands flocking to his campaign, is saying precisely the same thing: By legalizing competing currencies we can end the Federal Reserve's monopoly on our money supply and begin to restore value to the dollar.


New Member
hopefully this message will infect people. down with the bank!

meanwhile, we're meant to believe that hundreds of thousands of ron paul supporters raising millions of dollars in a day, several times, equals 15 electorial votes.

my brothers, we have to destroy these electronic voting machines. or there will truly be no hope for america.


Active Member
what a greasy POS. walk off when you get questioned... get good, ronnie.


Well-Known Member
what a greasy POS. walk off when you get questioned... get good, ronnie.

Heres the real unedited interview Bonkleesha
He answered her questions over and over and over again.
and he didnt call her stupid.



Well-Known Member
Heres the real unedited interview Bonkleesha
why didn't old ronald mention that he once proudly defended those newsletters as his own writings?

why doesn't he tell people that he is lying left and right about them so that we can no longer know what is true by listening to that racist old coot?

why does he just up and walk away when he should be telling us the full story of lies, deception, and racism for profit?


Well-Known Member
why didn't old ronald mention that he once proudly defended those newsletters as his own writings?

why doesn't he tell people that he is lying left and right about them so that we can no longer know what is true by listening to that racist old coot?

why does he just up and walk away when he should be telling us the full story of lies, deception, and racism for profit?
I havent seen Ron Paul do anything thats racist by his own hand or words, on the other hand Obama just had an Event last month called "African Americans for Obama" where he called on African Americans to support his Candidacy, Just think If Mitt Romney had an event called "Caucasian Americans for Mitt" .


Well-Known Member
I havent seen Ron Paul do anything thats racist by his own hand or words, on the other hand Obama just had an Event last month called "African Americans for Obama" where he called on African Americans to support his Candidacy, Just think If Mitt Romney had an event called "Caucasian Americans for Mitt" .
do you also think it's sexist that every candidate in the race has a "women for [candidate]" movement? what about latinos "for [candidate]", which is common to all candidates?

why do you think it's racist to court certain parts of the electorate?

nice deflection from the fact that ron paul does not like to talk about how he proudly defended those racist newsletters as his own writing and profited off said racism.


Well-Known Member
do you also think it's sexist that every candidate in the race has a "women for [candidate]" movement? what about latinos "for [candidate]", which is common to all candidates?

why do you think it's racist to court certain parts of the electorate?

nice deflection from the fact that ron paul does not like to talk about how he proudly defended those racist newsletters as his own writing and profited off said racism.
LOL, Its got nothing to do with women or Latinos, and I didnt see any White African Americans on his page there so Its kinda obvious .

You and I Both know you'd be throwing a hissy fit if Mitt Romney called out for Caucasian Americans to support him.


Well-Known Member
LOL, Its got nothing to do with women or Latinos, and I didnt see any White African Americans on his page there so Its kinda obvious .

You and I Both know you'd be throwing a hissy fit if Mitt Romney called out for Caucasian Americans to support him.
but all the candidates are courting the women and latino groups, just like obama is courting african americans. so why is one racist and the others are not sexist or bigoted? please explain that to me. it makes no sense to hold a double standard here.


Well-Known Member
I think its the people to blame for falling for the pandering. Theres no doubt that people will vote for a candidate based on race on both sides of the fence.


New Member
Heres the real unedited interview Bonkleesha
He answered her questions over and over and over again.
and he didnt call her stupid.

Just to follow up on that again, the ladie in the video is one Mrs Gloria Borger, wife to a war profiteer and newt Gingrich lobbyist. Also closely related to the man who released the letters, Look it up.


Active Member
I havent seen Ron Paul do anything thats racist by his own hand or words, on the other hand Obama just had an Event last month called "African Americans for Obama" where he called on African Americans to support his Candidacy, Just think If Mitt Romney had an event called "Caucasian Americans for Mitt" .

If you haven't seen Paul do "anything racist" then it's because haven't/won't look when it's right in front of your face.

kbo ca

Active Member
If you haven't seen Paul do "anything racist" then it's because haven't/won't look when it's right in front of your face.
well if it's that easy to see.... where's the proof? Or are you just blabbing out of your ass because you watch too much fox news?