Ron Paul is Dead!


Well-Known Member
If you live in the USA
and are over 18
and you would like to vote,
now is your chance.

You see,
the only way for your vote to count in the USA
is if you vote with your dollars.

You have to vote against big corporations that do vote with their dollars.

You have an opputinity like no other in the history of the USA
to actually make your vote count,
if you vote with your visa card.

If you don't have a visa card
you can get a cash debit card at walmart,
and vote with that.

But the only way you are going to get to vote in the USA
is if you do it with your money, not a ballot.

This Sunday, Dec 16th, is the Ron Paul Tea party 2007.

This is your big chance to have your vote count
and it only will cost you $25.

Give up a $25 bag,
and purchase freedom forever

If you don't have money, then your vote is squat.
Vote on Sunday!

You must be over 18
and an american citizen.

Go online Sunday and vote for RON PAUL!

Even if you are a Democrat,
you can vote for Ron on Sunday,
by using your card.

Let's freak the Republican party out!

If we don't use our cash, Ron Paul is dead.
Copy this post,
and email it
to all your friends
that should vote.
bro wtf do you mean use our cash why do we have to pay? im down for helping his cause and sending money to support him thats great but i dont really understand this, and im not sure why no one else has commented - if ron paul wins this election i "think/hope" some real shit will change.

go ron!
wtf people wake up - i think your post is too long -thats the problem, most people have a hard time getting past 3 or 4 lines. =/
Take money out of the question...
The media has the control,fox news,msnbc,cnn
they are the ones who tell everyone what to think,believe and feel.
Sorry, but NO media is backing ron paul,no mind-fuck
by the media telling everyone how great he is
he has NO chance and isnt even a top 5 as far as media goes.
To bad, it would have been nice.
No, sorry I need my $25 for taxes duh.
If he has bucks then he gets media attention

Yesterday "we the people" voted for ronpaul with our money
6.1 million
A record day for any candidate of any party
The media noticed.
does anyone realy beleave he can win do you think this goverment would let that happen? big money controlls this country its sad but true.
awsome man i saw this post 1 day too late lol
i dont know that i would vote for him anyway i think im not gonna vote none of them are wrth a shit imo but i like seeing the underdogs come up

...although i wish i wish i wish i hadt voted for nader 8 years ago... might as well have voted for bush

i just got my voting rights back i guess i should vote for someone but man there isnt anyone
The funny thing is he is truley the frontrunner, no one has as much support as him.

He broke the all time single day fundraising record yesterday with his tea party.
Don't get me wrong...I would LOVE to see Ron Paul win the presidential election, but it will never happen. I hate to say it, but Rudy Guilliani WILL be the next president.
You'll be suprised... look at the early primaries to prove me wrong... he'll do it with you or without you.

I hate to tell you this Rob, but our votes do not count. They will put whomever they want in there. They have already done it once and got away with it, why would they not do it again?
We hang bush and his staff at half time of the super bowl,first they are beaten in the pre-game show..........
Then we ask who wants this job!?