Ron Paul Predicted 9/11


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Here is the evidence that Ron Paul predicted 9/11


Texas Congressman Ron Paul warned America that an attack like that which occurred on September 11th, 2001 would happen if our government didn't change its foreign policy. They never changed it, and 9/11 happened. It's time to elect a real leader of true intelligence and integrity. Don't allow our government to keep letting overseas hatred for America to build, which could eventually result in another cataclysmic terrorist attack! Elect Ron Paul as President of the United States in 2012!!
Here is the evidence that Ron Paul predicted 9/11


Texas Congressman Ron Paul warned America that an attack like that which occurred on September 11th, 2001 would happen if our government didn't change its foreign policy. They never changed it, and 9/11 happened. It's time to elect a real leader of true intelligence and integrity. Don't allow our government to keep letting overseas hatred for America to build, which could eventually result in another cataclysmic terrorist attack! Elect Ron Paul as President of the United States in 2012!!

Great Video and post !

Clear thinking people will realize the truth, Unfortunately there are some that wouldnt comprehend unless a Foreign nation invaded them, put up road blocks, enacted curfews, Took all their firearms except a single pistol, install new government, break down their door to do searches,kill their animals, etc ,etc.
He didn't predict it as much as let it be known he was aware of what the neo cons were up to. Anybody who still believes alciada was responsible needs their brain wiped of the propaganda. However, beware that there might not be much left if you do, as most everything we are fed from politics and main stream media is propaganda.

I had to change parties (Independent) to vote for RP last time, and I did, then switched back. Tell your friends that's all they need to do. I think RP needs to go back to being a Libertarian in order to get votes from the disgruntled from both major parties
He neglects to even allude to the FACT that Arab/Islamist leaders have continually (only in the last 4 decades or so) used the West/US as scapegoats as a deflection to the ills of their own countries.

Truth is that most Arab countries, and Iran, have throughout the decades HEAVILY RELIED upon the US for a wide range of support while at the same time bemoaning the 'atrocious zionists regimes' (paraphrasing). In reality, the opinion of the average Arab has been as badly manipulated as the average American (or european for that matter).

It's not that our methods themselves have instilled hate in the hearts of Arabs, it's really a development of manipulation that escalated out of control of the sub-par leaders of these countries. And the Israel/Iran rivalry has had a large part to play in this happening. If you set aside all the BS rhetoric that bombards most discussions that the public is exposed to, you are left with nothing. When you look at actual cooperation, it paints a VERY different story of the middle east.
He neglects to even allude to the FACT that Arab/Islamist leaders have continually (only in the last 4 decades or so) used the West/US as scapegoats as a deflection to the ills of their own countries.

Truth is that most Arab countries, and Iran, have throughout the decades HEAVILY RELIED upon the US for a wide range of support while at the same time bemoaning the 'atrocious zionists regimes' (paraphrasing). In reality, the opinion of the average Arab has been as badly manipulated as the average American (or european for that matter).

It's not that our methods themselves have instilled hate in the hearts of Arabs, it's really a development of manipulation that escalated out of control of the sub-par leaders of these countries. And the Israel/Iran rivalry has had a large part to play in this happening. If you set aside all the BS rhetoric that bombards most discussions that the public is exposed to, you are left with nothing. When you look at actual cooperation, it paints a VERY different story of the middle east.

If I busted through your door with guns blazing and shot your wife and injured you kid saying "We believe there are terrorists living here!" and then when I found nothing left and said " Oh sorry, this was for national security of the US" would you be pissed off? I know I would; I would do everything I could to avenge the slaughter of my family and neighbors.

This is what America is doing in Iraq, Iran, and all of the middle East everyday and people wonder why they hate us? All they want is for us to get OUT of their country, that's what the Taliban is, the Taliban would be the same as Americans banding together to ward off a Russian invasion in the 80s..
Like I said, look at the cooperation, not the rhetoric. Until you can see past that, you will be left in a void.
Like I said, look at the cooperation, not the rhetoric. Until you can see past that, you will be left in a void.

What about rhetoric versus cooperation is that difficult to accept?

And the methodology of finding terrorists is alittle bit more complex than what you are envisioning. You are glossing over the intel gathering element of this equation.