room layout thoughts


Well-Known Member
first post but I have been gleaning info. from here for years. I am not new but only have a few years under my belt so still lots to learn.

anyway to the topic: fall is coming and that means time (hopefully) to start building a new grow room. currently in a 4x8x7 tent and a shelving system. new space will be in attached garage. I plan on lots of insulation, heater (if needed) a/c (not likely needed as even in summer it stays pretty cool), maybe co2 (room/s will be sealed).

overall space including wall dimensions(aka wall thickness will be subtracted from this measurement) is about 6'7"x20'x8'(height is about 16" lower in one corner of the area because to ductwork for the house).

lighting most likely will be HID for flower and fluros for mom/clone, currently on a 1000 watt hps/mh, 8 bulb t8 2x 6 bulb t5vho tons of cfls. but would be open to other options if they make sense. (not going to spend $1000 on a single LED, take way to long to recoup cost)

I want two flower rooms (so I can scrub, disinfect, debug, whatever after each grow without stopping everything) one "room/space" for mommas clones.

my grow idea, I currently am limited to 24 plants total, will go up as I add patients.
I want 4 mommas (people like having different strains) will veg for 8-10 weeks to fill the space if needed.

my area I am questioning is room layout. I could do tons of options but mainly do I do two 6x8 flower rooms (only 4x8 would have plants, you know need space to work) with the 4x6 as entrance, grow storage (nutes, debuggers, tools, stakes, etc.) , mommas, clones.
line the walls with 2' deep grow "boxes" I can divide into sections as needed, even two high for momma clones or maybe even my shorter scrogs. this will likely yield the most grow space, also being so compartmentalized easier to control any bug/pest/mold/mildew issues that pop up. biggest problem is lighting efficiently and still being budget friendly, buying lots of low wattage adds up fast. and adding co2, would be harder.

notes: doors are needed (and space to open) would like only one entrance to keep area as clean as possible but multiple entrance are not out of the question. walking/working area.

whoa, that's a lot of info. and yet probably missed something.

(18+) 2x2 grow areas or (2) 4x8 grow areas