ROOT APHIDS - No azadirachtin, pyrethrin or synthetics allowed. Now what?

The old go to's are not allowed by my company. No pyrethroids or artificial chemicals allowed. Also aza-anything is prohibited, no neem products at all because of CHS(Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome). The growers are convinced that these products go systemic and pose a risk to medical patients in addition to failing quality tests. This is company mandate, there is no changing these policies.
So pyrethrins and neem(azadirachtin) are not allowed, even though that was always the solution.
So Venerate CG is now my IGR, rotated with Grandevo. Drenches are done with steinernema feltiae nematodes and NoFly(isaria fumosorosea) on a weekly basis. Botanigard and all other sources of Beuvaria Bassiana tested positive for arsenic and lead, as did all sources for diatomaceous earth.
The NoFly and nematodes certainly kills many of them in the pots, then they flee the medium to walk about the tables, where we can hit them with horticultural oils and the above mentioned Marrone products. This kills the majority on the tables, but they pump out so many nymphs at night that the next morning its as bad as it was the day before. Also alates fly up into the buds in flower rooms, get stuck and parthenogenisize a cluster of nastiness that makes the product unsellable.
The horticultural oil rotation consists of
Insect Annihilator (Rosemary, Thyme, Clove and Cinnamon)
Lost Coast Plant Therapy (Soybean and Peppermint)
Athena IPM (Citric Acid, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Geraniol)
Some rooms get a table spray every single day. The biggest problem is the mother room which is never empty, new mamas coming in all the time. We are not allowed to drench with these products either, which I think is a mistake as well.
We also release Rover beetles, Dalotia Coriaria every week to chow down over the weekend, but even a bucket of 5000 is quickly outnumbered by the root aphids by Monday.
Any advice that does not use pyrethrins and azadirachtin?
Mosquito dunks is what I've used in the past on fungus gnat.. not sure what's in it.. but it claims to be safe for people and fish.. some kind of parasite or something
The not being able to treat the mother room with anything that is close to 100% effective is going to be a perpetual problem i would think. I would talk to whoever you need to about doing what is necessary to keep mothers and room they are in 100% clean.
When I had root aphids, this was the only thing to get rid of them.
Clone everything and start over. With the restrictions you have you are just going to keep wasting money on expensive treatments that wont ever fully eradicate them. The faster you cut your losses, the quicker you can get your facility clean and back in action.

You need better cultural protocol for your mother room.
This was a good read. Good luck!
To the poster, if you end up treating the mothers with Imid and then pesticide test the flowers from the cuttings let us know what you found.