Root growing up?


Well-Known Member
i recently germ'd a few seeds in a paper towel and planted them 1/4 inch into some soil a day ago. This evening i noticed one of the roots growing strait up out of the cup and the shell is where i planted it. anyone ever seen this happen before? it was a good 1/2 inch out of the ground.


Well-Known Member
you planted the seed the wrong way up or too close to the surface or both. burry it with a little soil.
you planted the seed the wrong way up or too close to the surface or both. burry it with a little soil.
I don't mean to be a dick, but how do you plant a seed the wrong way? Who's in charge of the right way in nature?
Without a pic it's hard to judge how "bad" it is, but the sprout will find its way into the soil. If you touch it, you may kill it.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to be a dick, but how do you plant a seed the wrong way? Who's in charge of the right way in nature?
Without a pic it's hard to judge how "bad" it is, but the sprout will find its way into the soil. If you touch it, you may kill it.
how can you compare a cannabis plant left alone in the wild to what we do? we're talking about cultivation methods here not natural selection (luck)! its a favourable orientation for them to begin life and for the taproot to journey downwards rather than having to grow upwards an then u turn back on itself if the pointy end was close to the surface which is where you will see it arc above the medium.

after trying this i have never ran into that problem again. take a look at some articles about it and you will see it makes perfect sense.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
The pointy end is where the tap root emerges does it not? The other side looks like a miniature bum hole, for the lack of another word.