root mass issues


Well-Known Member
been growing for a few years at a novice level, rarely checking pH, ppm, etc. Just following the directions on the bottles, same setup, homemade aero bucket. Just recently started checking pH and ppms with only a very minor adjustment to pH in the last res change.

about 24 hrs in and I checked and the pump is frozen, with visible root tissue floating freely, assuming the tissue has clogged the pump. I changed the bucket out with a fresh setup (new pump and nutes) and while handling I could wipe away masses of roots with my hands, like running your hands through your hair and coming away with half of your head of hair.

the ONLY thing I did differently from the last few years was adjust the pH of a large res from which I fill my individual aero buckets. about a 50 gal res, and approx 3 gal per bucket. the pH was a tiny bit low and I had to pull it up less than half a point. at least I am pretty sure, I have a veg res and I am pretty sure I had to pull it down a little, but I may have the up and down reversed. Regardless, i do know for a fact it was less than half a point, about three tenths or so, very little in the grand scheme of things.

every other root mass I have dealt with takes a chain fucking chain saw to remove from the net pots if I try to recycle them, most of the time it is too much trouble to cut away roots, they are fucking a tough, hard, strong.

this is my first attempt with this strain, an unknown from a variety pack from Ace seeds. Other than that, nothing real different except the pH monitoring (and subsequent adjustment).

the plant herself still looks strong and healthy as of now. I will keep a very close eye on her now.

any thoughts?
has anybody else read this at all?

I have just been told that I have root rot and it is only contracted by water temps going above 70F. I have an a/c'd tent that is 66F and condenses water on the roof daily. It stays cold inside, period. is there a way to diagnose it for certain?

does anybody know the name of root rot?
pythium. and if you can pull out roots by hand, you got it.

2 solutions: running beneficial bacteria (like hydroguard) so that there is more good than bad.
running sterile where this is no bacteria cause they dead.
probably. pH swings, a strange smell to the roots, brown roots, etc.

it's a bitch to get rid of.

if it's really bad, hydrogen peroxide or chlorine will kill it
does anyone use actinovate for pythium anymore? That worked for me before on a bad case of it, haven't had rot in forever so i quit looking for it
I put h2o2 in already, was told 1/2 cup per gal normal drugstore 3% (at first he said salon strength 30%)

I'm a litlle scared, I just killed four really big tomato plants in the same setup with too much h2o2 (algae issues out in the full sun).

I only have one bucket with it right now but I don't want to lose that one, she is the furthest along at just over 3 weeks in flower. plenty of clones with a good mother, but that one is the only one in flower right now. I emptied the entire res and started over thinking it was something I did wrong pH'ing

we'll see I guess
very close and I think so, respectively. as long as I can trust my scale, it's an ebay cheapie but I have done all kinds of illegal shit with it. I can't calibrate it but I think it is fairly accurate and it does read to .01
here ya go:

HTH pool shock 1lb bag of powder

0.50 grams per 10 gallons of water. dunk everything in that many, many times. dunk plant up to the stem many times.

it is 5ppm chlorine which is max safe dose for people and cannabis
I thought I might already have w/o a trip to wally world but I just have the sodium carbonate pH up

I will run pick some up, thanks for the advice and the numbers, I'm not good mixing imperial and metric and getting the right ppm like thatpythium.jpg pythium2.jpg

that should work for you. i'd do it for a few days. then you can start using the pool shock in your normal nutes at 1ppm 0.10 gr/gal
thanks for everything.

To be fair, that pic is after it has been sitting for a couple days, one out in the full sun.

Been reading on it and it seems to be a fungus? If that's true then maybe that's CO2?

It just really bothers me that the minute I change my normal routine, BAM, something bad happens. I can't help but wonder if it would have happened regardless. I tossed a fresh 50 gals just in case. I also added bud candy and carboload additives for the first time ever and was about to add nirvana.

I think from now on I will just make half batches and zero extras and put in the extras at the time of bucket swap
let's assume it's pythium. let us also assume it is the direct cause of the foaming or bubbling however that may be biologically possible.

now let's further assume that the organism can be killed quickly by the pool shock. If I were to dump a large quantity of shock into the bucket in the pic earlier, .......

1) how long would it take to be lethal and apparent?
2) shouldn't the bubbling/foaming cease soon after?
A) how quickly does the pool shock work in massively lethal doses if we take the 3rd assumption out of the equation?
Is res clear about the same or similar to hydroguard?

I've found hg on ebay with free shipping and the price is not bad.

I already have res clear
the ONLY thing I did differently from the last few years was adjust the pH of a large res from which I fill my individual aero buckets. about a 50 gal res, and approx 3 gal per bucket. the pH was a tiny bit low and I had to pull it up less than half a point. at least I am pretty sure, I have a veg res and I am pretty sure I had to pull it down a little, but I may have the up and down reversed. Regardless, i do know for a fact it was less than half a point, about three tenths or so, very little in the grand scheme of things.

Unless you're doing full res changes, don't PH your solution until its in the res. Add non-PHED nutes to res, let it settle for a few minutes, then check and adjust. You don't want to take the chance of having to add PH up, then down, or vica versa, in the same res at the same time, if there's an unwanted reaction.

0.3-0.5 out of range is a large discrepancy. I try to keep it within .2, or better and dont let it swing to quickly. Something like 5.6-5.8, or 6.1-6.3.
I was unaware that it had chlorine in it, I'll have to read the bottle again. It didn't smell of chlorine, I am extra sensitive to it now after handling so much pool shock lately. I can smell it from 3 feet away in tap water now. It does have a very weak nute concentration if I recall, but don't remember anything else listed, I always wondered what made it work like it claims.
my resclear doesn't appear to have chlorine in it. It is not listed in the guaranteed analysis. Mine is ResClear by skunk labs and not clear res. There must be a difference?

It doesn't smell of chlorine neither when I open it and smell?
I have res clear and NOT clear rez, I have found the clear rez and it is completely different than what I have

they appear to advertise that they do basically the same thing, but.......