Welcome! thanks for taking your precious time in order to help a fellow ganja grower out.I currently have a 6 week old sativa plant that I topped and cloned. The Clones nodes are growing, i take it thats a good sign... BUT It is day 3 and I pulled it out to see how it was doing because it was placed in peat moss imitation/soil and I over saturated it and wanted to see if it was rotting. the tip was very soft and mushy and brown but just the bottom. about 2 3 millimeters. I recut it on a 45 degree angle, squeezed the excess water from the soil dipped it in water and put it back in. I dont have rooting gel, Im broke but since the nodes are growing im sure its fine, i have all the time in the world for this hopefully beautiful baby girl. Is that a part of the process? that the tip gets mushy light brown and then grows the roots? Please help. I dont know where the peice is that i cut off so unfortunately there are no pictures but Im sure some of you have experienced this. cheers! thanks for the help guys.
One love.
One love.