Root ROT in ebb n FLOW

Do you have a health food store in town, if so call them up and ask if they have the 35% food grade h2o2

WOW $40 a bottle

I get all my suff from my local hydro store, but i dont know if ur close to one.

Next time get this 35% MAD FARMER it $20 1 gal bottle, if u can find it.


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where do you get h2o2 as i have root troubles some roots are big & fluffy white others are going brownish there sitting on a propagator with spreader mat over it i just done this to see if it helps their clones in 4inch cubes feeding formulex at 1.0-1.1 p.h is 5.5-5.8 i put some biopac through it today i have Rhizotonic & Hygrozyme & superthrive but i,m not sure if it,ll go way now or stay as i need to get rid of it any ideas plz help me out it,ll be well appreciated thanks fellow tokers
where do you get h2o2 as i have root troubles some roots are big & fluffy white others are going brownish there sitting on a propagator with spreader mat over it i just done this to see if it helps their clones in 4inch cubes feeding formulex at 1.0-1.1 p.h is 5.5-5.8 i put some biopac through it today i have Rhizotonic & Hygrozyme & superthrive but i,m not sure if it,ll go way now or stay as i need to get rid of it any ideas plz help me out it,ll be well appreciated thanks fellow tokers

Do you have a health food store in town, if so call them up and ask if they have the 35% food grade h2o2

lare, D:bigjoint:
So i went out to my buddys last night to address the root rot problem, did a rez change and added the 35% h202 and another dose of nutes. These 8 Girls have been drinkin a lot of water thats for sure (20 gallons every 3 days). I cant wait to get it filled up with 12 of them instead of 8 like i did this time around. I know my plants have root rot but these are the frostiest plants i have ever seen and there still only 4-5 weeks in flower, I cant wait to see what the final yield looks like, I will take some pics the next time im out there to share with you guys. give me 3 days to get pics

I appreciate all the help guys
Another quick question, since i added the H202 at 1.7 ml per liter should i add it again in a week or so after i put more water in the res with nutes
So after adding 35 percent H202 to my resivoir it seemed to clear up the root rot pretty good then i noticed a thick coat of clear gel all over the roots as if its suffocating the roots, the res is at 68 degrees constabntly i use advanced nutrients 3 part, it doesnt seem to be affecting the plants but it looks like it cant be good for it... ANY IDEAS it took about 6-8 days for this to happen after adding the H202 35 percent
nothing for pathogen control i am using the three part GH with kool bloom and the bloom floralicious

If youre talking about Floralicious Plus ive used it before. Its kelp base makes it very inky and can stain roots. The biggest thing with Pythium that I look for, or smell for rather, is the soil smell. If your roots smell like dirt and they are sitting in water, youve got the start of a problem. I use HydroGuard every 2 weeks in my res and it works wonderful. Ive developed advanced pythium twice in my setup but its due to high res temps that Im still trying to work around.