No smell n yes it doesn't feel like slime wen I touch the da roots its like water not gooey
Whats the water temp
H2o2 use too much and it can burn fine root hairs, better to use microbes or hydrguard to battle root rot.
Probably not root rot if it isnt slimey
If it was rot then peroxide is the best option because by the time he had a decent enough culture going the plant will have died because there wouldn't be roots left.
We're both right m8, mychorziae or h2o2 for root rot.
Either would be good , I said h2o2 was best because it kills it faster that's all.
It's ok I agree bro. I wud only consider using h2o2 if I had no mychorziae. He might not have any or be able to quickly get hold of some so that's why I recommended h2o2 at a small dose.Not trying to argue with you but....
Microbes are your friend
h202 can burn fine root hairs if you use too much.