okay... testing just the water gives a dark blue (ph 8 or maybe more) the results from the nutrients on its own (incase you need to know) is a red colour which is about a ph of 4. however i think that the ph of the nutes on its own is wrong because it was two colours mixing (yellow (colour of nutes) + blue (colour of the testing kit)) and the water and nutrients mixed up together (2Litres) gives off a light green (6.5)
The hesi nutes dont really have a colour when diluted but before diluting with water its yellow.
The listed nutrients on the bottle are:
"nirtogen N3% urea, phosphorus 2,3% P(2)0(5), potassium 3,1% k(2)0, other: magnesium, calcium, sulphate and complex-bound trace elements iron, magnese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, iodine and colbat, plus vitamins B1, B2, B3, plant sugars and amino acids."
Thats exactly how it appears on the bottle. i thought id write it out how its printed just incase i missed anything important. by the way the numbers in the brackets are the little numbers like you see on square numbers in maths lol! Underneath whats in the bottle is shown: "EC NPK fertilizer 3+2+3
cheers for the help again!