Rooting a clone in water and cloning solution-what now?

Ok, so I topped my plants, and used that growth as clones (so I can sex them and see what's what)

Of all that I did, only the experiment rooted- I cut it like normal, spilt the tip in half and dipped it in cloning gel, then-dropped it in a plastic juice bottle filled with water and cloning solution and just left it for a few days- and yesterday I noticed it was putting out roots. My one mistake was in using the lid of the bottle, and once the roots came it wouldn't come out anymore. When I pulled it out a bit of the roots were shaved off by the too small hole (not much) but I put it back in the water overnight minus the lid- it grew a new root tip overnight.

My question is this:

I have read a lot about people rooting this way then killing the plant when attempting to transplant into soil or rooter plugs bc of breaking the sensitive roots. Since these roots are still mostly nubs, should I put it in a soil pellet NOW (or a rooter plug?) and let it use that to stabilize the roots?

Or will popping it into soil or a plug now inhibit it's root development since they really are still just nubs and not really roots yet?

rooting pic 2.jpgrooting pic 1.jpg


I say put it in pellet now if they started showing root. The longer you wait and the roots are long the more probability of hurting it. Then they need high humidity and water on leaves. It will inhibit the root's development but thats part of the transition.

The Growery

Active Member
I've cloned before just putting the cutting straight into dixy cups filled with promix, it takes a couple days longer to root, but it works just fine. you won't hurt your clone transplanting right now, just keep your medium moist, not soaking wet