Roots Excelurator & Mycorrhizae

Does Roots Excelurator kill beneficial bacteria and fungi?
Nope but it's not worth buying. House & Garden changed the formula in March of 2010. Up until then RE was incredible. The use of just 1.1ml /Gal gave the most prolific bleached white in color Fish Bones. Save the money and just rock the endo fungi...
Nope but it's not worth buying. House & Garden changed the formula in March of 2010. Up until then RE was incredible. The use of just 1.1ml /Gal gave the most prolific bleached white in color Fish Bones. Save the money and just rock the endo fungi...
What's endo dungi?
Nope but it's not worth buying. House & Garden changed the formula in March of 2010. Up until then RE was incredible. The use of just 1.1ml /Gal gave the most prolific bleached white in color Fish Bones. Save the money and just rock the endo fungi...
What's endo fungi? Any examples you can recommend?