Roots??? Few more days??? +rep


The 1st pic shows the only roots poppin' from the bottom. The 2nd pic shows the smaller roots coming from the bottom, but also has small roots exiting the cube on all 4 sides, the top and the bottom...
I'm just wondering when I should plant them in soil...

Edit: I thought I might mention, these 2 have been in the cloning area for 15 days now... No heating mat...



Well-Known Member
I would pot up now. The roots look virbrent. I start my grows in rockwool when i can see strong rooy growth Dont change your lighting at the same time. Good luck! ! !


Well-Known Member
The 1st pic shows the only roots poppin' from the bottom. The 2nd pic shows the smaller roots coming from the bottom, but also has small roots exiting the cube on all 4 sides, the top and the bottom...
I'm just wondering when I should plant them in soil...

Edit: I thought I might mention, these 2 have been in the cloning area for 15 days now... No heating mat...
Personally, as soon as I see the roots as in your photos I place in their pot. As mentioned before, sorry don't remember the name, leave your lights the same for a few days. I spray with super thrive (1 drop from a syringe into my mister and still mist them for the next few days. Sure there are many different correct ways to do it, but this works for me. Good Luck and just try a few different ways in the future. Find the one that is comfortable you. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The 1st pic shows the only roots poppin' from the bottom. The 2nd pic shows the smaller roots coming from the bottom, but also has small roots exiting the cube on all 4 sides, the top and the bottom...
I'm just wondering when I should plant them in soil...

Edit: I thought I might mention, these 2 have been in the cloning area for 15 days now... No heating mat...
As soon as your clone has roots plant it. Best of luck my friend.


One more question...
I have had these 2 at 5.5ph since cutting. What ph should I start out with? Should I gradually increase a tenth a day to 6.2?

I planted them into clear 16oz. solo cups with dark red outer cups. I have heard this is a good way to monitor root growth until transplanting to 1 gallon pots. Any opinions?


I already planted them. I was just wondering about ph... I decided to water with 6.0ph... 8th dose of nutes, and about a 10th of a drop of superthrive...


Well-Known Member
You should be fine just go a touch light with nutes for the next feed and then game on. Great Idea with the 2 cups. The idea behind the cups tell you that you should plant the clones as soon as you see roots. You put the clear cup in the red one to keep light from the roots so when you see roots coming out of the rockwool they will be getting light so yes plant them.