Roots of Small Plant Ripped Off..

I have one plant left, and sorry I have no pictures of it yet. :(

I re-potted the small plant from a small grow cup into a bigger clay pot with a lot more soil in it now and more room to grow roots and such..but..
When I took the plant out of the first small pot, the bottom soil where roots were at was apparently stuck in the little grow cup and when i tried to gently take out the plant along with all the soil in the cup, the bottom roots torn right off from the bottom of the stem. Only a few very tiny roots are visible on the plant now, but I planted it anyway into the new clay pot. It cant support itself now and I was forced to use a slim metal rod to help it stand up. Its still very green and the leaves aren't fading color, but are slightly drooping a tad.

Now for what I need help with: Will it stay alive and regain its own support and regrow roots? or should i trash my plant and start all over.. :(