Roots Organic Pallet.


Well-Known Member
Who wants to go in on a pallet of roots organic original ?????? My store told me they would do it at 11.67 a bag X60 that's about 700 plus tax. If anybody wants to go halves or get a quarter of it let me know ????????
You guys ever made your own soil from peat or coco before? I currently have a soil recycle project and another that going to attempt to make my own soil from scratch. Sea of Green sells "Victory" soil now and I hear nothing but good things about this Cali based company. If I buy anymore commercial it's gonna be that shit for sure. It's loaded with goods ;)
cool, i'll let you know Hacker...

I use the roots because i make and use subcool's super soil recipe. Its awesome !!!
He' says not to use 707 because "its like diet coke". I like to use 707 for like seedlings and young clones. Its just not that charged is all.
Im using roots now and it's awesome the results speak for them selves. Ive also used 707 all last year love it. Just trying a new way... I'm all about changing my nutrition to my plants so i can see what they like, whats hype and gimmick, whats essential. I am definitely not set in my ways and always willing to change it up and experiment.
Soil is not anything special...

Dead plant matter accounts for the most of soil...

I ask many 'what is organic?'

Organic is not additives and all the BS I see folks using - if it did not derive from a natural matter such as a plant it is not organic.

Correct me if I'm wrong..
Well i once did a grow with nothing but soil veggie compost and Red worms lots. Worms are not plants, but organic. But i see where you are coming from people get carried away with the organic label. I went some where and asked if the clones were organic they say "yes" then i ask what they used to clone. They say "Clonex" well that's wrong, but i guess i like my trivial details.
Well i once did a grow with nothing but soil veggie compost and Red worms lots. Worms are not plants, but organic. But i see where you are coming from people get carried away with the organic label. I went some where and asked if the clones were organic they say "yes" then i ask what they used to clone. They say "Clonex" well that's wrong, but i guess i like my trivial details.

So using clonex to " root" a plant makes it not organic?
This is an old debate that's unwinnable bro. I just say I like growing in natural soil so it doesn't spark people but I do use the term organic as well for those in the unknown.
I just dont see how using clonex doesnt make a plant organic. I mean clonex just makes cutting get roots, They arent taking up any nutrients, even when they do they are just using stored nitrogen in the cutting. Crazy son!
organic [ awr-gan-ik ]

adjective 1. noting or pertaining to a class of chemical compounds that formerly comprised only those existing in or derived from plants or animals, but that now includes all other compounds of carbon. 2. characteristic of, pertaining to, or derived from living organisms organic remains found in rocks. 3. of or pertaining to an organ or the organs of an animal, plant, or fungus.

Can't be true organic if you are using synthetic sunlight ie HPS, MH, t-5 CFL, plasma generators, etc... Just sayin :P
Goes back to what I said earlier. Cannot win this one. My weed is grown as close to organic as I can get it hence it's easy now to just say natural or something. Chemical free bud hehe??
Organic simply means carbon based. Since all living things are carbon based, when you use organic fertilizers, soils or additives that means it came from a living thing and that why there is still carbon in it. But the term organics when growing is really about creating a living soil food web which as part of its processes feeds the plants.

I am more worried about people using plant growth regulators or other known carginogens then making abed everything is omri listed.