roots organics?


Roots organic,any body have any good info,insite? I'm planning on useing general organics.go box?anybody use both of them


Well-Known Member
I used their original potting soil and I like it better than any other. I was also using their line of nutes. Don't have any expierience with the go box


First time user with roots organic,I am newbie,in all aspects.I started in coco,with g.h flora,but seems more involved then soil.and having issues,so as a beginner I think soil well be easyer


Active Member
I've used both for several years. They are pretty much the same thing. Both work great and other than having to mix multiple bottles every feeding they are relatively trouble free nutes. The end product taste great and yields are good.

I would buy whichever one you can get the cheapest. Both are a good choice for a soil grow.


Well-Known Member
Stick with the roots organic, or better yet make your own. But I'd stay away from General Organic now that they were bought up by Scott's/Mansanto.