rose from seed?


Well-Known Member
hey does anyone know about starting roses from seeds? I have some seeds but im not sure how to start them. I was told to put them in the refrigerator fro 3 months to simulate winter. I've done that and now i'm ready to plant them. i'm going to grow them indoors in soil. any links or advise?

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Depending on how many you have plan just one of them in soil or hydro and see if it will sprout and grow.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Have the seeds been treated before you got them?

I do believe that a bird or animal has to eat the hep/hip, and pass the seeds through the digestive tract (to remove coating), before they can germinate.


Well-Known Member
they have not, to my knowledge, been treated. I have about 60 seeds, so I think i will have to do some more research today and ill let yall know what i find :-)

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Somebody has a thread going about germing tomato seeds, since tomato seed are coated, that thread might be applicable.


Well-Known Member
Have the seeds been treated before you got them?

I do believe that a bird or animal has to eat the hep/hip, and pass the seeds through the digestive tract (to remove coating), before they can germinate.
that's called scarifying. the techneque involves either scratching the outer surface, moistening in water, cold stratification or some other way to soften the outer seed hull. some plants have to be exposed to heat/fire to simulate their natural environment. i don't know of many roses that aren't grafted. except rugosas. some wiki info if you know the species may help. the american rose society also... the royal natn'l rose society...