Rotating Floor?

Just a thought...and I did do a small search on here to see if anyone has but, would a rotating floor instead of rotating lights be a bad idea? Roughed the math and basically would need, for my setup, a 6-foot in diameter circle and it wouldn't have to move that fast so I could use a small electric motor and gear it to do so...any other ideas or thoughts on this plan?

Would also like to post pics of my garage-build in process but am not sure if there is a forum rule against that for this thread so let me know if anyone wants to have a look...


Well-Known Member
You can post pictures.

Essentially you're doing a reverse light mover. You're not the first to come up with the idea, and it can definitely be effective if used correctly.

2g per watt or higher is completely feasible.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jester - what's up? I've been playing around with this same idea for a long time! Just when I think I have it all figured out, I get what I think is a better idea (procrastinating! Spelling?).

I have come up with 3 ideas that just seem to be naturals for a "Rotating Floor":
1. Use a Barbeque Rotisserie Motor as your "Turntable Motor". Hook it up so that it "drives" from out around the rim instead of the center (this will give even more "appearant torque" and allow an even slower R.P.M. for the "Floor". This type of motor already has a pretty good torque and reduction gears, the "shaft" turns at about 3 R.P.M.
2. You can rotate the floor on a Ball Bearing Swivel Base like these (they're like the kind used on barstools):
I got a 6" base at Lowe's (or Home Depot, can't remember the price either!). They also have "swivel casters" for pretty cheap - like these:
These casters will support the "outer edge" of the turntable (so that it doesn't wobble).
3. For my prototype, I plan on using "Multiple Smaller Lights" instead of "One Big One". I
Whaddup Cammo, it's nice to meet someone who has thought this out as much as I have. I hadn't thought of the rotisserie motor, but here is a link to a motor I am lookin' at. It's at a tool shop nearby but can be shipped anywhere, I believe.

I'm with you on the ball-bearing floor design too. I used to work for FedEx and at their airport ramp-sites, they have floors made completely of ball-bearings. Things that weighed thousands of pounds would glide across the floor with ease (if they weren't rusted pieces of shyte).

Same with the motor location. If you checked out my room pics, which is in it's very early stages, I plan to install it on the furthest wall that is facing you. Instead of gearing, just put a smaller rubber tire on it to turn the floor and add a variable speed control switch. Could maybe turn it fast enough to create wind-like effect and remove the need for a fan that uses even more electricity?

Now the floor. You said you found a 6" base at HD? Did you mean 6'? If so, of what material? If I could find a sturdy, 6' children's plastic pool and install it to a rotating base (that would have to be round so my tire could turn it) I'd be set.

Here's the link to that motor...