Round 2.. FIGHT! 400w HPS.. White Widow, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and Burmese Kush..


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This is Round two. After a very successful round one! I have four plants. Three were clones, and the Burmese Kush was from a fem seed from TH Seeds. It's growing a little slowly but hoping that picks up soon. I will be vegging these girls under CFLs for about another three weeks or so. The three big ones have been LST'd to shit, so they all have lots of bud sites and are very bushy. Everything is going very well so far!! I'll keep this thread updated with pics as we go..

Here is what the closet looks like now:

Front left is the Burmese Kush.. Not sure why it's stalling, it's over a month old.. Oh well, hopefully it'll juice up a bit over the next few weeks..

Front right is White Widow. Let it grow like a Christmas Tree then bent it right over.. Look at all the bud sites :D

Back left is Frisian dew.. It was a clipping off my original Frisian plant you can see in my first grow thread. I **LOVE** this plant. The buds smell like perfume, and it gets you off your rocker.. And it only takes 6.5-7wks to mature.. Love it.

Back right is Master Kush.. A big bitch that's going to produce. She's a clipping off my first MK plant which was about half the size of that one when it went into flower.. And the last one got me a couple oz's! Hoping for 2-3 from this one alone.. It's a big budder with big fat rock-hard nugs..

Nutes as always are GH Flora series. They've all been under six CFL's their whole life. Will switch to the 400w HPS once I go to 12//12 in a few weeks.

Comments/questions/insults are welcome!


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So yeah.. Any tips to speed up this little BuKu's growth? It's over a month old, should I just start hitting it with high N nutes?


Active Member
Ok, I just did a foliar feeding for all four of them. Didn't have all the stuff in your recipes, but I did have some MG tomato plant food that was safe for foliar. I did 1tsp for a gallon, and a couple drops of dish detergent. I sprayed it all over them like a bukake session :D

We'll see what happens.. If they all die I come to hunt you down! haha :)


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Few new pics from this morning.. I was planning on vegging another two weeks or so, but these plants are getting a bit big.. I know that the Master kush will double to triple when in flowering.. I think I might have to do this sooner than later!! I mean, I want big plants, but my closet isn't that huge!! And it's only a 400w HPS with a small hood. I need a bigger hood at least I think.. Anyways, pics:

The Frisian Dew - one of my favs.. Clipping off a plant I grew and harvested in Jan:

The Master Kush - another clipping off a clipping from a plant I grew in Dec. Had big long fat buds and awesome.

And the White Widow - from a friend.. This one produces!!

And the garden.. I LST'd them all to shit or they'd be double the size now.

Let the games begin!


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Oh, and the Burmese Kush is still tiny.. Not sure why that fucker isn't growing but I've named it "Webster".

I'll probably pull her out of the closet when I flip the switch, and veg her another 3-4 weeks elsewhere.


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The Frisian Dew - one of my favs.. Clipping off a plant I grew and harvested in Jan:

And the garden.. I LST'd them all to shit or they'd be double the size now.

Let the games begin!
Hey I have been looking into the Frisian Dew. Did you pinch it a bunch to get that many tops? What did it yield for you before? What was your veg time and did you run Co2? Thanks


Active Member
Hey I have been looking into the Frisian Dew. Did you pinch it a bunch to get that many tops? What did it yield for you before? What was your veg time and did you run Co2? Thanks
Oh yeah and did it get pinkish for you? Do you have any finish pics of the bud cured?


Active Member
Oh yeah and did it get pinkish for you? Do you have any finish pics of the bud cured?
It took 6.5-7wks to mature. Gave a great high, very fragrant buds, very tasty smoke.... I love this plant. And no topping, all LST. Though it was from a clipping which had three shoots to begin with so it was kinda bushy to start. No CO2 other than a week or so of some water/yeast/sugar co2.

I think I got about an OZ out of a small plant.. This one is already much bigger than it's doner plant.

Here's a couple pics of the Frisian mom:

My advice - get it!! One of my faves..


Active Member
Nice man. What size of pot did you use and what type of soil did you use? The picture on Attitude Seed bank shows it being a little more pinkish. What did you have your temps at? I love it man and thanks for the info. I can't wait to get this as I have searched around and people are saying its one of the best smoke they have had plus the yield looks great. I'm going to grow the shit out of this. Did you get Femme seeds and did they all turn out to be females? I have never grown from seed so I'm not sure what to except. Any advice would be great. I'm hoping to have Co2 running in full by this time. I got some great advice from someone on hear about using my furnace exhaust to pump in Co2 in my room. I have been taking samples of the air and it's reading from 900-1700ppm!!! The best part about that is the Co2 is free and I already had it. I just wish I would of started this 6 weeks ago and I would of had monster buds. There's some great people out there, but also a lot of bad advice from idiots.. Smoke on my friend


Active Member
Nice man. What size of pot did you use and what type of soil did you use? The picture on Attitude Seed bank shows it being a little more pinkish. What did you have your temps at? I love it man and thanks for the info. I can't wait to get this as I have searched around and people are saying its one of the best smoke they have had plus the yield looks great. I'm going to grow the shit out of this. Did you get Femme seeds and did they all turn out to be females? I have never grown from seed so I'm not sure what to except. Any advice would be great. I'm hoping to have Co2 running in full by this time. I got some great advice from someone on hear about using my furnace exhaust to pump in Co2 in my room. I have been taking samples of the air and it's reading from 900-1700ppm!!! The best part about that is the Co2 is free and I already had it. I just wish I would of started this 6 weeks ago and I would of had monster buds. There's some great people out there, but also a lot of bad advice from idiots.. Smoke on my friend
Pot - 5g bucket.. Though this round using a 3.5gl bag.
Temps - 65° - 75°
Regular seeds, not sure where from, buddy got them from a bank.. Two were fems right off the bat so we just kept cloning the best one. And what was weird - one of the plants had purple buds, and green leaves, and the other had purple leaves, and green buds (this one).. This one smelled and tasted far better, so this was the one we kept around.

I just had some yesterday again that's been curing since 1/1 (3.5 months) and it was seriously just about the best smoke I've ever had.

Never heard about that way to route CO2 - but sounds good to me if you can pull it off!!

Good luck


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Alright, been about a month since last update. Girls are doing great! They've been budding now for two weeks and three days each (started 4/9). Going back in my records it looks like they're growing faster than ever. Maybe it's the CoCo? Maybe I just got it down good this time? Either way, I don't care :)

Here is the garden - left to right - Nirvana Master Kush, White Widow, and Frisian Dew.

The Master Kush:

The White Widow:

The Frisian Dew:

Should have a chop date of about 5/28 for the FD, then 6/4 - 6/18 for the rest.

Comments/questions/insults welcome as usual :)


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Also gotta get the ona block in the closet tomorrow.. My house is starting to smell like a dead skunk cemetery :D


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Ok, here's some better pics of my three ladies in flower. Have been flowering now for 19 days. All LST'd to shit while vegging, and even a little in flower just so they don't outgrow my closet. The first week of flower they really took off!! They're all under one 400w HPS with a custom wide hood I made. GH Flora series for nutes, coco for potting medium, in 3.5gl bags.

The Garden:

The Frisian Dew. This one always grows pretty stringy and lenky, but the end buds are always magical (see bud pic in avatar):

The White Widow.. Thick and bushy, I love this plant:

The Master Kush.. One of my fav's, always a big producer:

LST FO' LYFE! hahaa :D


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For some reason getting an abundance of yellowing/falling leaves on the MK & FD over the last 7 days. Only thing I did different was threw a shot of molasses in their last feeding. That was the first molasses shot.. Maybe they don't like it so much? Could have been coincidence, but I think I'll back away from the molasses the rest of this one.. I gave them a little shot of N just in case, we'll see what happens.

On the bright side the bud development is going nicely. The MK won't stop reaching for the light. She's getting pretty rowdy. The Frisian should be done in a few weeks so should open some room when I'll need it.


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Ever get that feeling like you're talking to yourself? :(

Anyways, I dunno why I am, but I'm updating with a couple pics... Today is day 24 of flowering. Buds are starting to get pretty stinky and sticky.. Just how I like'em!! :D

The Garden:

Master Kush:

Frisian Dew:

White Widow: