Rounder stubby leaves

Not that my plant looks unhealthy or that there is an issue. I just noticed my 3rd plant has much rounder broader leaves. Any idea what it could be? I thought I remember reading something but I can't remember. It's the same strain as my other 2 plants who had pointed leaves as the first serrated ones came out.20150221_150511.jpg


Active Member
Different phenos can be pretty different, lemon skunk is just a select skunk 1 pheno afterall. I'm pretty sure it's just like a 90% indica pheno but I could be wrong. It's definitely genetic though, bad stuff doesn't change leaf shape.

Edit: Not sure what breeder it's from but I don't think blueberry is known for being too stable pheno wise.


Well-Known Member
Can you get seeds for the blueberry cultivar? I'm interested. What breeder? If they are clones, where in relationship to the light, is the one that has the round leaves? What is your ph? Do you supplement calmag?


Well-Known Member
I grew 2 Kalashnikovas by Green House Seeds. One I harvested after 9 weeks and was tall really frosty and smelled like skunk. The other one went 13 weeks was short, high leaf to bud ratio, not very frosty, and smelled like kiwis and limes. So yeah, Green house seeds Kalashnikova sucks and is very unstable and phenos do differ that much.